CAMERON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL We've always been safe. We ve al become more aware of washing our hands, cleaning and disintecting since COVID-19. At Cameron, the health and safety of our patients, visitors, employees and and multiple times throughout the day Pl. we're able to use reverse airfow in designated areas of our facilities to further increase patlent and vaitor salety Whether you are patient or vistor, Cameron is sate, sparkly community has always been our fest priority Which ia why we've increased our already Nigh sanitation standards. For exampie, al common arean, walting and treatment rooms dean and ready to serve you. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, are thoroughly sanitired aher each ineraction visit us online Cameron. Keeping you safe through it all. After COVID-19 Before COVID-19 CAMERON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL We've always been safe. We ve al become more aware of washing our hands, cleaning and disintecting since COVID-19. At Cameron, the health and safety of our patients, visitors, employees and and multiple times throughout the day Pl. we're able to use reverse airfow in designated areas of our facilities to further increase patlent and vaitor salety Whether you are patient or vistor, Cameron is sate, sparkly community has always been our fest priority Which ia why we've increased our already Nigh sanitation standards. For exampie, al common arean, walting and treatment rooms dean and ready to serve you. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, are thoroughly sanitired aher each ineraction visit us online Cameron. Keeping you safe through it all. After COVID-19 Before COVID-19