CPLSC Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County Discover. Connect. Inspire Offering diverse enrichment programs for all ages of our community. 322 S. Wayne St., Angola, IN (260) 665-3362 OPEN Mon. & Thu. 9-8, Tues. & Wed. 9-6, Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-3 Visit us online at: www.cplsc.org CPLSC Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County Discover . Connect . Inspire Offering diverse enrichment programs for all ages of our community . 322 S. Wayne St. , Angola , IN ( 260 ) 665-3362 OPEN Mon. & Thu. 9-8 , Tues. & Wed. 9-6 , Friday 9-5 , Saturday 9-3 Visit us online at : www.cplsc.org