For An UP-LIFTING Experience VISIT US! Sunday Services at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Fairview Missionary Church Helping people take their next step toward Jesus. 525 E 200 N, Angola, IN 260-665-8402 Map to Fairview Missionary Church Fremont St. Rd. 120 MOOTO 69.. f St. Rd. 127 US Hwy: 20 Menards St. Rd. 827 CR 200N Fairview Missionary Mejer Church Cameron Hospital Find Us on Facebook! For An UP - LIFTING Experience VISIT US ! Sunday Services at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Fairview Missionary Church Helping people take their next step toward Jesus . 525 E 200 N , Angola , IN 260-665-8402 Map to Fairview Missionary Church Fremont St. Rd . 120 MOOTO 69 .. f St. Rd . 127 US Hwy : 20 Menards St. Rd . 827 CR 200N Fairview Missionary Mejer Church Cameron Hospital Find Us on Facebook !