Receive 25% off aTattoo or $10.00 off 1 Private session when you bring this ad. Appointment is required. Hometown Pilates DID 260-687-8914 Over 20 years experience in our individual fields. SafeHouse Ink Tattoos 260-243-0584 Find us on Facebook Entrance in the back of the building 909 W. Maumee St. Suite D Angola IN 46703 Receive 25 % off aTattoo or $ 10.00 off 1 Private session when you bring this ad . Appointment is required . Hometown Pilates DID 260-687-8914 Over 20 years experience in our individual fields . SafeHouse Ink Tattoos 260-243-0584 Find us on Facebook Entrance in the back of the building 909 W. Maumee St. Suite D Angola IN 46703