BEEF AND NOODLE DINNER Hosted by the DeKalb County Extension Homemakers Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2022 4:30pm - 7:00pm Exhibit Hall at the DeKalb Co. Fairgrounds 708 S. Union St., Auburn Dinner Includes: Homemade Beef and Noodles, Real Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Applesauce and Homemade Pies *Free will offering will go toward scholarships and other charities. CARRY OUTS AVAILABLE! BEEF AND NOODLE DINNER Hosted by the DeKalb County Extension Homemakers Wednesday , Oct. 27 , 2022 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm Exhibit Hall at the DeKalb Co. Fairgrounds 708 S. Union St. , Auburn Dinner Includes : Homemade Beef and Noodles , Real Mashed Potatoes , Green Beans , Applesauce and Homemade Pies * Free will offering will go toward scholarships and other charities . CARRY OUTS AVAILABLE !