Serving your insurance neeads since 1878. DeKalb FARM MUTUAL GRINNELL Insurance Co. MUTUAL "The friendship of those we serve is the foundation of Dave Baughman Sec./Agent progress" aur COBRON HOME FARM AUTO IN TOWN & RURAL LOCATIONS 525 West Michigan Ave., Auburn, IN 46706 Call 925-2668 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 Fax 925-2752 Visit us at: Go Big Green! blazers Mandy Capp Agent EASTSIDE BLAZERS ERS Serving your insurance neeads since 1878. DeKalb FARM MUTUAL GRINNELL Insurance Co. MUTUAL "The friendship of those we serve is the foundation of Dave Baughman Sec./Agent progress" aur COBRON HOME FARM AUTO IN TOWN & RURAL LOCATIONS 525 West Michigan Ave., Auburn, IN 46706 Call 925-2668 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 Fax 925-2752 Visit us at: Go Big Green! blazers Mandy Capp Agent EASTSIDE BLAZERS ERS