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    October 22, 2020
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John Davis for DeKalb Why are our net student transfer numbers so different from our neighbors? This deficiency is costing us millions in state funding each year. As a school board member, you can trust me to ask questions, accept the truth from families, and work toward gains in our enrollment. I appreciate your trust and your vote for DeKalb Central School Board. ~John Davis These reports dated DeKalb Central -304 Net transferred out (Fall 19/20) back to Spring 2017 Garrett +109 Net transferred in (Fall 19/20) can be found at https:// DeKalb Eastern +10 Net transferred in (Fall 19/20) DeKalb Central -299 Net transferred out (Spring 19/20) Garrett +101 Net transferred in (Spring 19/20) accountability DeKalb Eastern +25 Net transferred in (Spring 19/20) VOTE Paid for by the campaign to elect John Davis for DeKalb Central United School Board DAVIS DeKalb Central School Board John Davis for DeKalb Why are our net student transfer numbers so different from our neighbors? This deficiency is costing us millions in state funding each year. As a school board member, you can trust me to ask questions, accept the truth from families, and work toward gains in our enrollment. I appreciate your trust and your vote for DeKalb Central School Board. ~John Davis These reports dated DeKalb Central -304 Net transferred out (Fall 19/20) back to Spring 2017 Garrett +109 Net transferred in (Fall 19/20) can be found at https:// DeKalb Eastern +10 Net transferred in (Fall 19/20) DeKalb Central -299 Net transferred out (Spring 19/20) Garrett +101 Net transferred in (Spring 19/20) accountability DeKalb Eastern +25 Net transferred in (Spring 19/20) VOTE Paid for by the campaign to elect John Davis for DeKalb Central United School Board DAVIS DeKalb Central School Board