FREE HAM DINNER AND CHRISTMAS CONCERT Thursday, December 5th Dinner from 5-6:15 PM Concert at 6:30 PM . BUTLER CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 501 W. Green Street, Butler, IN 46721 Freewill Donations accepted but not requested. Everyone is invited to be our guests for a great night! Good Food, Good Fellowship, Good Fun, Great Music. Make plans to be here and invite your friends. FREE HAM DINNER AND CHRISTMAS CONCERT Thursday , December 5th Dinner from 5-6 : 15 PM Concert at 6:30 PM . BUTLER CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 501 W. Green Street , Butler , IN 46721 Freewill Donations accepted but not requested . Everyone is invited to be our guests for a great night ! Good Food , Good Fellowship , Good Fun , Great Music . Make plans to be here and invite your friends .