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    January 8, 2021
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discover the pathway to better hearing Better hearing is only four short steps away! A free hearing evaluation doesn't have to be complicated. Learn more about how a Beltone professional can diagnose your hearing loss through our four-step process. Hearing evaluation Review Symptom checklist Demo your results & fitting exams 2 3 4 Now through January 22nd! Call us today for your free hearing exam! Life is easier on the pathway to better hearing health. Our free hearing evaluation is simple and will add so much value to your life. With better hearing you can get back to enjoying all of the things you've missed out on like: PEACE OF MIND I BETTER RELATIONSHIPS AN ACTIVE LIFESTYLE I A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE HEARING HELP AS LOW AS $35 PER MO. wacornd oedt SPECIAL OFFER $899 PER DIGITAL HEARING AID" Start your path to better hearing! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! COLUMBIA CITY (Next to Subway) 119 Hoosier Drive ANGOLA (Corner of Darling St & Maumee) 411 West Maumee St. 260-624-0209 WABASH (Next to KFC) 905 N. Cass Street 260-225-4399 260-212-1387 FORT WAYNE (W. Jefferson & Eagle Rd. next to Casa) 7517 W. Jefferson Blvd. 260-234-3048 WARSAW (15 North Commons) 346 Enterprise Drive 574-306-4105 AUBURN (Next to Italian Grille) 215 Duesenburg Drive HUNTINGTON (Next to Edward Jones) 2808 Theatre Ave., Suite B 260-366-0297 260-333-1857 *Ofe ald an one ) etry-le hat 6 RC dgtal hearing aid echroogy. Prnious parchasen ectuded Camot be combined wthary oter promotors or docourts Hoaring aids de not restore ratura hearing. Indvidal operiences may vary deponding on severty of hearing los, accuracy of eakation, proper t and ablity t adapt to anpificaton. Only a trained audologist and Hearing Specialist can deternine whch tearing aid is right tor you Our heaing evalatiors and video otoscopic irmpecios ae ys ton. Hearing ealation is an audiometic evatution to determine praper anpifications needs ony These are rot medcal eams or dagnaes nor are they intended to replace a physicans care.fyou spect a medcal protiem, please sek troatment tom your docor discover the pathway to better hearing Better hearing is only four short steps away! A free hearing evaluation doesn't have to be complicated. Learn more about how a Beltone professional can diagnose your hearing loss through our four-step process. Hearing evaluation Review Symptom checklist Demo your results & fitting exams 2 3 4 Now through January 22nd! Call us today for your free hearing exam! Life is easier on the pathway to better hearing health. Our free hearing evaluation is simple and will add so much value to your life. With better hearing you can get back to enjoying all of the things you've missed out on like: PEACE OF MIND I BETTER RELATIONSHIPS AN ACTIVE LIFESTYLE I A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE HEARING HELP AS LOW AS $35 PER MO. wacornd oedt SPECIAL OFFER $899 PER DIGITAL HEARING AID" Start your path to better hearing! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! COLUMBIA CITY (Next to Subway) 119 Hoosier Drive ANGOLA (Corner of Darling St & Maumee) 411 West Maumee St. 260-624-0209 WABASH (Next to KFC) 905 N. Cass Street 260-225-4399 260-212-1387 FORT WAYNE (W. Jefferson & Eagle Rd. next to Casa) 7517 W. Jefferson Blvd. 260-234-3048 WARSAW (15 North Commons) 346 Enterprise Drive 574-306-4105 AUBURN (Next to Italian Grille) 215 Duesenburg Drive HUNTINGTON (Next to Edward Jones) 2808 Theatre Ave., Suite B 260-366-0297 260-333-1857 *Ofe ald an one ) etry-le hat 6 RC dgtal hearing aid echroogy. Prnious parchasen ectuded Camot be combined wthary oter promotors or docourts Hoaring aids de not restore ratura hearing. Indvidal operiences may vary deponding on severty of hearing los, accuracy of eakation, proper t and ablity t adapt to anpificaton. Only a trained audologist and Hearing Specialist can deternine whch tearing aid is right tor you Our heaing evalatiors and video otoscopic irmpecios ae ys ton. Hearing ealation is an audiometic evatution to determine praper anpifications needs ony These are rot medcal eams or dagnaes nor are they intended to replace a physicans care.fyou spect a medcal protiem, please sek troatment tom your docor