AUDIO READING Sooles ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWS ZINE DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS DIFFICULTY READING PRINTED MATERIAL? The Audio Reading Service broadcasts the reading of local and national newspapers, magazines, books and more to thousands of people who have challenges to reading traditional printed materials. This service is provided at no cost by the Allen County Public Library. TO LEARN MORE, EMAIL AUDIOREADER@ACPL.INFO, CALL (260) 421-1376, OR VISIT WWW.ACPL.INFO/ARS AUDIO READING Sooles ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWS ZINE DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS DIFFICULTY READING PRINTED MATERIAL? The Audio Reading Service broadcasts the reading of local and national newspapers, magazines, books and more to thousands of people who have challenges to reading traditional printed materials. This service is provided at no cost by the Allen County Public Library. TO LEARN MORE, EMAIL AUDIOREADER@ACPL.INFO, CALL (260) 421-1376, OR VISIT WWW.ACPL.INFO/ARS