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    March 26, 2024
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GOP Questions Answered by Local Candidates To the ctims of Death County The DeKalb County Coe used a series of questions for the upcoming elections so C the responses by hovines, Prosset Dales, and H. The we are inleiding dese hoe is d món in the GOP question, "Your answer will be unland in print and/or social media posts Nose t depending on the publiceton, the party may need to summarize your state other and we perfer to not have our thoughts and the dear one people, by the people, and was everyone to thoughts and ideas These anowens are b comson of silar thoughts and as Republican Party of De Council meeting as well as contamally promoted conservative have ruled in 12 Republicans running for office the very What do you thank the purpose of any The purpose of County government to elevenial services to mana vile and sale com development should be focused on providing of where families can live and thrive for generatio Qming the pubs ads and is p trou het will be your to ing out on of they has and to repay con den Inhale how you believe the county should pay publ government should be working to make A Roads and bodges are a man of the cry The compl vary as you speak to individuals mply a peblom of dan and should chorale to keep det down a other counts to form a gir voice for a road dragatur Most county funds a spent on the roads. Secondly mads should be paved A pave adds t and bones to a conty as these to only so much space valable. The foon should be so help curent citions experi Snancial growth. As a member of the county council, the spending so At Andrew- mosaicle in KPC sed the in the Sourney as the Imbers and peces chang 1.2023 was Dekalb County would argon People Me the Mestyle and ops on faced by comp on a that 205010) we a the larger c A Do we want to keep up with and consider ourselves agran l we do nex the big cities or the rural com ng Dah for what we are and the heritage w kep Ka Dh and work s obecny which of the flowing a portaal de in molly as a A: We do not believe t cuing uses necessarily means lev Funding for polic services. The shoe sets goal would be so se med lands every last due that can be Oh plea ads Bridges fall under e cegory of intrasinature and a enced then the mands De Couery has a los of beds find ways to hand those This c eve if we apply w should be addon govenment so fight back as the sue when needed, a applying for all poble ad grants Me . hat he post or rahe same shastge Bor role whorl usan med. How where we can Community local services, elmate goal of shing the spending and n ulars to allow a more dicol e of us to then county Alaras of Dah need support. Deceas spending and acting more come who work and no de Deka will allow more as and in public wi A Dave 1 believe my experiences make me uniq won the Coy Council, a of the county The primary focus of my experience included complex oversight and management, cocoa men and make anys, pole procement, and public con A: Amy-1 comly serve the Dekalb County Counc winding my fine t decking reelection Iro the Dodor and Executive Asian at my day job and own local hinder the s bellow schools plor frequently play a sole in a family's decision to mi t m development in pAs, us shamens sol and all soos can be sed which would l schools are and a jeded equally small and lage businesses Since schools and courty sbah they hold be considered. They should be heed on the ny heavily on property taxes, a is critical d they work so any of the busmesses bday to enhance our cima gher and provide jobs, incased wages, and adhanced employmen racy pan and cnnch the bows of Dekalb cams then they should be snl Iba Debela menthold play a part in gompus an Dub Contyp A They gemens plays a calle in ang A Kellen I have been atending Cows to Dekalb County needs to do as though any years and have a been a A Andrew Within gemment I serve molir deher and co uy my day i as an IT con definic and the locality in the county around fine they will be accepted and dive. The ping people be Sore poles and promoting clary and transparency The also does nox always work, abutments should be for busines that are truly making Dekalb a bee place so be and work Qents for personal property and roup Stallond Town not short change the tax payen, Portups bringing businesses property and e This includes working with cry and work, and t Qhat do you believe her way to the become employed so should be undered equally Care n of general replacement schedules or new equip would help QxcFinancing (T) local moment amic develops in Da other tool that e operly The bends of a Tf dies A: The obvious awer hose is cut spending and this can be why) y wld As, 11 mang done 1 y and efficiencies for those a ouh reckless spending 3 cd o edeal or s aboting with local p Q: What is your view on mic Development for the Agrowth needs to happen a need to be poble and wonder the land seeds of the people to accomplish this conomic developmenggng rach come wity to undead e unique needs while preserving the unique character, (21 maging mponible des to be community gwa (ng local ronomic development comics who are emand so only work the male the corn Economic Developino happens when each cities we on develope A As a group we believe that individual popeyes a pchensive Plan and a United Development Ordinance thun ords to be followed to define or redefine the rights A: Amy-Popoty rights me always be pr place to proces A propoty owners peopeny sale should Soled Not following peers put in place by zoning A: Dave-Individual property rights The Les puts property val se to pode public Coy we should follow which a hardw and critically It is so buil of properly condered be considered The people in these as need to have a jas leg corpontions Eweybody croon and the age of the funds Ohm TIF a word noes the ohon leads to improperly and the funds end up being funneled hack to the fbage and cult large business inesses a TIF is volled needs benes the county This should and as occs and no ju the b work equally for wall bine DC A Deve Popery us abmes t dry expansion can be a usable valaton that advance s be dood te main the sa A: Any - Keep spending at a are linancully bendicial so all Delu the following incentives with being bring in trane in armen, Somment qualey of Me for Dc Development for Cwing me and S Tomic C A: Ralong these incen a shon ghand ap Any concic in proech. Each is gue good qualities and bad quic Each should be enfers which means each is as equally important as the other When project proposed each of these should be cosdeed, bo me that the almas to foreign policy and whgow Liberty the goal of besering the Ines, reducing t manning the heritage of our copies and Con May, Ly Cove A Dave-Coercive/Amy-Convelle-Co servative/And inges o Dosing multiple fire departments, into dia con uted Creating a detrit would bring of the dirt under the cory Agend will only case the s Sa Dap D e of govemment which Duve-Strongly agree-Stellen-pally seduces elency. The county gemme needs to cal We need then, we owe them, and w should be proind eestions on d wellyn Deka 9 D Plan and UDO ng, increasing or redwing funding ing support and help in any way that we can Ring Other provide a A: Kalen-Popery rights are exactly what they say a righe by outcomes should be the pot with the goal They need t or and they need to be across the cc Exceps should wone while sending another. I pable extending property w wights. No one should ever lose righ decent A: The c their de to change this plan hangs nond t they need to be budget and empowering our local w Federalement dong coal-fired electrical planes o you belive Dek Cty shady amative ea providing rough ndon unding when oude bacon wh as population we need to look so goth apply extra bunden so our services wege on others A Kellen con We need to ma ce funding to provide levels of coverage for public eye she need fine respondes We need so wppon them s them to work together and create e comes that de nos bunden the unpeyer the fut The County Roy of the Solows g tract and an a populated co bong and the lower the a cofeng and improves whatshey for Wild your puding the yo ging and for ever? Ne das sua cola the renal dancer of Dekabe appon outhed in the com encouraging businesses to put solar on not moving ty of allowing e Andrew The lami bucket, we have makes in deon the cons dois plan as they do not account fo Council has very e with the Compe The Commons in collabonation with the Plan Co mon would drive the p A: Kelles-Isupport a Comprehensive Plan we the would allow the cases to decide what is important so then Al ow Dekh to say Dekalb and work to enghen out que A: Andrew-I would work to involve all in the councy believe that decisions for the county need to take cod nation the roses of all QS la bra opc A: Dave-The fin four tested above are a of a local romony and atrachetain mides. The big 9 Should we lie federal funding concm is why would we compete on an average rate Yes-Fodral gas a of growth. We are Dekalb County and our growth should be mo, but each s bused upon the Coy's ably be suppen de preth Deb Cy be pepe in any Lower uses in a cry is always a sual drew ent minic devlopment Explain's people and bones to slocase these Gathadd A: Dekalb County needs to be proactive in their approach to more people and businesses. This define that permeable. We conomic development in a way that provides a contheghout most of these questions Not every bones is a good ta for Dekalb County Ences not practically ponds then look for grain that be a tes of people denly whe sees we wanted ind be applied for a specific purpose Paid for by Republican with Other Meas funding is be upped should so be spending GOP Questions Answered by Local Candidates To the ctims of Death County The DeKalb County Coe used a series of questions for the upcoming elections so C the responses by hovines , Prosset Dales , and H. The we are inleiding dese hoe is d món in the GOP question , " Your answer will be unland in print and / or social media posts Nose t depending on the publiceton , the party may need to summarize your state other and we perfer to not have our thoughts and the dear one people , by the people , and was everyone to thoughts and ideas These anowens are b comson of silar thoughts and as Republican Party of De Council meeting as well as contamally promoted conservative have ruled in 12 Republicans running for office the very What do you thank the purpose of any The purpose of County government to elevenial services to mana vile and sale com development should be focused on providing of where families can live and thrive for generatio Qming the pubs ads and is p trou het will be your to ing out on of they has and to repay con den Inhale how you believe the county should pay publ government should be working to make A Roads and bodges are a man of the cry The compl vary as you speak to individuals mply a peblom of dan and should chorale to keep det down a other counts to form a gir voice for a road dragatur Most county funds a spent on the roads . Secondly mads should be paved A pave adds t and bones to a conty as these to only so much space valable . The foon should be so help curent citions experi Snancial growth . As a member of the county council , the spending so At Andrew- mosaicle in KPC sed the in the Sourney as the Imbers and peces chang 1.2023 was Dekalb County would argon People Me the Mestyle and ops on faced by comp on a that 205010 ) we a the larger c A Do we want to keep up with and consider ourselves agran l we do nex the big cities or the rural com ng Dah for what we are and the heritage w kep Ka Dh and work s obecny which of the flowing a portaal de in molly as a A : We do not believe t cuing uses necessarily means lev Funding for polic services . The shoe sets goal would be so se med lands every last due that can be Oh plea ads Bridges fall under e cegory of intrasinature and a enced then the mands De Couery has a los of beds find ways to hand those This c eve if we apply w should be addon govenment so fight back as the sue when needed , a applying for all poble ad grants Me . hat he post or rahe same shastge Bor role whorl usan med . How where we can Community local services , elmate goal of shing the spending and n ulars to allow a more dicol e of us to then county Alaras of Dah need support . Deceas spending and acting more come who work and no de Deka will allow more as and in public wi A Dave 1 believe my experiences make me uniq won the Coy Council , a of the county The primary focus of my experience included complex oversight and management , cocoa men and make anys , pole procement , and public con A : Amy - 1 comly serve the Dekalb County Counc winding my fine t decking reelection Iro the Dodor and Executive Asian at my day job and own local hinder the s bellow schools plor frequently play a sole in a family's decision to mi t m development in pAs , us shamens sol and all soos can be sed which would l schools are and a jeded equally small and lage businesses Since schools and courty sbah they hold be considered . They should be heed on the ny heavily on property taxes , a is critical d they work so any of the busmesses bday to enhance our cima gher and provide jobs , incased wages , and adhanced employmen racy pan and cnnch the bows of Dekalb cams then they should be snl Iba Debela menthold play a part in gompus an Dub Contyp A They gemens plays a calle in ang A Kellen I have been atending Cows to Dekalb County needs to do as though any years and have a been a A Andrew Within gemment I serve molir deher and co uy my day i as an IT con definic and the locality in the county around fine they will be accepted and dive . The ping people be Sore poles and promoting clary and transparency The also does nox always work , abutments should be for busines that are truly making Dekalb a bee place so be and work Qents for personal property and roup Stallond Town not short change the tax payen , Portups bringing businesses property and e This includes working with cry and work , and t Qhat do you believe her way to the become employed so should be undered equally Care n of general replacement schedules or new equip would help QxcFinancing ( T ) local moment amic develops in Da other tool that e operly The bends of a Tf dies A : The obvious awer hose is cut spending and this can be why ) y wld As , 11 mang done 1 y and efficiencies for those a ouh reckless spending 3 cd o edeal or s aboting with local p Q : What is your view on mic Development for the Agrowth needs to happen a need to be poble and wonder the land seeds of the people to accomplish this conomic developmenggng rach come wity to undead e unique needs while preserving the unique character , ( 21 maging mponible des to be community gwa ( ng local ronomic development comics who are emand so only work the male the corn Economic Developino happens when each cities we on develope A As a group we believe that individual popeyes a pchensive Plan and a United Development Ordinance thun ords to be followed to define or redefine the rights A : Amy - Popoty rights me always be pr place to proces A propoty owners peopeny sale should Soled Not following peers put in place by zoning A : Dave - Individual property rights The Les puts property val se to pode public Coy we should follow which a hardw and critically It is so buil of properly condered be considered The people in these as need to have a jas leg corpontions Eweybody croon and the age of the funds Ohm TIF a word noes the ohon leads to improperly and the funds end up being funneled hack to the fbage and cult large business inesses a TIF is volled needs benes the county This should and as occs and no ju the b work equally for wall bine DC A Deve Popery us abmes t dry expansion can be a usable valaton that advance s be dood te main the sa A : Any - Keep spending at a are linancully bendicial so all Delu the following incentives with being bring in trane in armen , Somment qualey of Me for Dc Development for Cwing me and S Tomic C A : Ralong these incen a shon ghand ap Any concic in proech . Each is gue good qualities and bad quic Each should be enfers which means each is as equally important as the other When project proposed each of these should be cosdeed , bo me that the almas to foreign policy and whgow Liberty the goal of besering the Ines , reducing t manning the heritage of our copies and Con May , Ly Cove A Dave - Coercive / Amy - Convelle - Co servative / And inges o Dosing multiple fire departments , into dia con uted Creating a detrit would bring of the dirt under the cory Agend will only case the s Sa Dap D e of govemment which Duve - Strongly agree - Stellen - pally seduces elency . The county gemme needs to cal We need then , we owe them , and w should be proind eestions on d wellyn Deka 9 D Plan and UDO ng , increasing or redwing funding ing support and help in any way that we can Ring Other provide a A : Kalen - Popery rights are exactly what they say a righe by outcomes should be the pot with the goal They need t or and they need to be across the cc Exceps should wone while sending another . I pable extending property w wights . No one should ever lose righ decent A : The c their de to change this plan hangs nond t they need to be budget and empowering our local w Federalement dong coal - fired electrical planes o you belive Dek Cty shady amative ea providing rough ndon unding when oude bacon wh as population we need to look so goth apply extra bunden so our services wege on others A Kellen con We need to ma ce funding to provide levels of coverage for public eye she need fine respondes We need so wppon them s them to work together and create e comes that de nos bunden the unpeyer the fut The County Roy of the Solows g tract and an a populated co bong and the lower the a cofeng and improves whatshey for Wild your puding the yo ging and for ever ? Ne das sua cola the renal dancer of Dekabe appon outhed in the com encouraging businesses to put solar on not moving ty of allowing e Andrew The lami bucket , we have makes in deon the cons dois plan as they do not account fo Council has very e with the Compe The Commons in collabonation with the Plan Co mon would drive the p A : Kelles - Isupport a Comprehensive Plan we the would allow the cases to decide what is important so then Al ow Dekh to say Dekalb and work to enghen out que A : Andrew - I would work to involve all in the councy believe that decisions for the county need to take cod nation the roses of all QS la bra opc A : Dave - The fin four tested above are a of a local romony and atrachetain mides . The big 9 Should we lie federal funding concm is why would we compete on an average rate Yes - Fodral gas a of growth . We are Dekalb County and our growth should be mo , but each s bused upon the Coy's ably be suppen de preth Deb Cy be pepe in any Lower uses in a cry is always a sual drew ent minic devlopment Explain's people and bones to slocase these Gathadd A : Dekalb County needs to be proactive in their approach to more people and businesses . This define that permeable . We conomic development in a way that provides a contheghout most of these questions Not every bones is a good ta for Dekalb County Ences not practically ponds then look for grain that be a tes of people denly whe sees we wanted ind be applied for a specific purpose Paid for by Republican with Other Meas funding is be upped should so be spending