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    October 20, 2021
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Financial Focus Build your 'cash' account before retiring If you're going to retire in the next few years, you'll want to start thinking about making some vacation or a kitchen remodeling project. If you vehicles to provide your portfolio with the bal- changes to your investment portfolio. And one area you may want to look at is whatever type of or two, you may want to start moving funds into avoid outliving your money. cash account you might have - because, when you're retired, the amount of cash you have read- longer time frames, you may want to consider ily available may be even more important than when you were working. Your cash management account could pay a slightly higher rate than a typical savings ac- count, as well as serving as a holding place for funds that may eventually be transferred to other when the financial markets drop, leading to a investments. Furthermore, it can provide you with these benefits: You can pay for emergency expenses. You might not be quite so tolerable. As a retiree, you replenish your cash account as much as possible. might be retired, but life goes on - and life is full may want to maintain one year of expenses (ad- of unexpected expenses, such as a new furnace justed for outside income sources such as Social at every point in your life, but it may take on or a costly auto repair. It's a good idea for retirees Security) in a cash management account for to keep at least three months of living expenses in a separate cash account, which can help pay for emergencies without forcing you to dip into your longer-term investments. You can save for a short-term goal. You may have several short-term goals, such as a long be invested in enough equities and fixed-income are trying to reach this type of goal within a year ance and growth potential necessary to help you As you can see, building your cash manage- ment account can be helpful in several ways. So, in the years preceding your retirement, look for opportunities to add to this account. For exam- ple, you could use some of the money from a tax refund or a bonus at work. And, if you haven't your cash management account. For goals with using other types of investments appropriate for the specific goal and your risk tolerance. You can protect some money from mar- ket volatility. When you're a long way from retirement, you may not be particularly bothered already done so, you might direct your bank to move a certain amount each month from your decline in the value of your investment portfolio. checking or savings account into your cash man- However, once you're retired, those downturns agement. When you're retired, do what you can to Your cash management account is important even greater meaning when you're retired so spending purposes. Knowing you have this cash do whatever you can to keep it in good shape. set aside may help you feel more comfortable when markets are volatile. Nevertheless, holding This article was written by Edward Jones for use by too much cash has risks of its own. Retirement can last for more than 30 years, so you'll want to Edward Jones, Member SIPC your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones Sean P. Asiala AAMS Edward Jones Michael C. Caley AAMS Edward Jones Pam Covington OFP AAMS Edward Jones Tod Heisler AAMS Edward Jones Jason Korner CFP Edward Jones Quinn Nofziger Edward Jones Gwen Ruppert Edward Jones Karen Rupert Financial Advisor 7525 West Jetterson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 404 Financial Advisor 6525 Constitution Dr. Fort Weyne, IN 46804 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7030 Pointe tnverness Way, Sute 125 Fort Wayne, IN 45804 432-3613 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7127 Homestead Rd. Suite C Fort Wayne. IN 14 263-4760 901 Chestnut Hils Parkway Fort Wayne, IN 4G814 7329 West Jeferson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 46804 14413 linois Rd Se Fort Wayne. IN 46814 414 S Scon Ra. Fort Wiyne, IN c814 625-5700 Making Sense of investing 432-0304 Making Sense of Investing 478-8038 Making Sense of Investing 444-3134 Making Sense of Investing 399-5853 Making Sense of Investing 625-3524 Making Sense of Investing Making Sense of Investing Making Sense ef Investing Financial Focus Build your 'cash' account before retiring If you're going to retire in the next few years, you'll want to start thinking about making some vacation or a kitchen remodeling project. If you vehicles to provide your portfolio with the bal- changes to your investment portfolio. And one area you may want to look at is whatever type of or two, you may want to start moving funds into avoid outliving your money. cash account you might have - because, when you're retired, the amount of cash you have read- longer time frames, you may want to consider ily available may be even more important than when you were working. Your cash management account could pay a slightly higher rate than a typical savings ac- count, as well as serving as a holding place for funds that may eventually be transferred to other when the financial markets drop, leading to a investments. Furthermore, it can provide you with these benefits: You can pay for emergency expenses. You might not be quite so tolerable. As a retiree, you replenish your cash account as much as possible. might be retired, but life goes on - and life is full may want to maintain one year of expenses (ad- of unexpected expenses, such as a new furnace justed for outside income sources such as Social at every point in your life, but it may take on or a costly auto repair. It's a good idea for retirees Security) in a cash management account for to keep at least three months of living expenses in a separate cash account, which can help pay for emergencies without forcing you to dip into your longer-term investments. You can save for a short-term goal. You may have several short-term goals, such as a long be invested in enough equities and fixed-income are trying to reach this type of goal within a year ance and growth potential necessary to help you As you can see, building your cash manage- ment account can be helpful in several ways. So, in the years preceding your retirement, look for opportunities to add to this account. For exam- ple, you could use some of the money from a tax refund or a bonus at work. And, if you haven't your cash management account. For goals with using other types of investments appropriate for the specific goal and your risk tolerance. You can protect some money from mar- ket volatility. When you're a long way from retirement, you may not be particularly bothered already done so, you might direct your bank to move a certain amount each month from your decline in the value of your investment portfolio. checking or savings account into your cash man- However, once you're retired, those downturns agement. When you're retired, do what you can to Your cash management account is important even greater meaning when you're retired so spending purposes. Knowing you have this cash do whatever you can to keep it in good shape. set aside may help you feel more comfortable when markets are volatile. Nevertheless, holding This article was written by Edward Jones for use by too much cash has risks of its own. Retirement can last for more than 30 years, so you'll want to Edward Jones, Member SIPC your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones Sean P. Asiala AAMS Edward Jones Michael C. Caley AAMS Edward Jones Pam Covington OFP AAMS Edward Jones Tod Heisler AAMS Edward Jones Jason Korner CFP Edward Jones Quinn Nofziger Edward Jones Gwen Ruppert Edward Jones Karen Rupert Financial Advisor 7525 West Jetterson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 404 Financial Advisor 6525 Constitution Dr. Fort Weyne, IN 46804 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7030 Pointe tnverness Way, Sute 125 Fort Wayne, IN 45804 432-3613 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7127 Homestead Rd. Suite C Fort Wayne. IN 14 263-4760 901 Chestnut Hils Parkway Fort Wayne, IN 4G814 7329 West Jeferson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 46804 14413 linois Rd Se Fort Wayne. IN 46814 414 S Scon Ra. Fort Wiyne, IN c814 625-5700 Making Sense of investing 432-0304 Making Sense of Investing 478-8038 Making Sense of Investing 444-3134 Making Sense of Investing 399-5853 Making Sense of Investing 625-3524 Making Sense of Investing Making Sense of Investing Making Sense ef Investing