p ReynoldsWealth ReynoldsWealth MANAGEMENT HE CHAMBERLIN GROUP fter many yeaes of planeing and prepasation, as well as moaths of inlease esploration I have decided to jein Reynolds Wralth Management to foen The Chamberlin Groep, wah he soppot and custodial services od Raymond ames, a eowed nationul firm Now 1am able to manage is most beaetical to my d I cen now effee a more diveniied sange of investment opportunities, including stocks, boads, options, msbual fands partnenhips anstual funds, asset manugers, a wide range of flexible retinemest plams, and ari oppeetnist wene not available at my gic fire Thank you fon your sapport during the past tó years of my career as a fiaancial advises 1 loek forward to heacisg from you Sincerely. Man Chamberlin Senior Financial Aduisor Phone: 260-357-008 Fax: 260-553-9090 114 N. Randolph Street Garrett, IN 46738