() Drs. Roush & Will Optometrists Our Freedom Was Not Free! All of us at Drs. Roush & Will are very grateful for your service to this country! Sergeant Hal Miller Ryan Smith Sr. Master Sgt. USAF David Atwater 2nd Lietenant William Bush Staff Sergeant Edgar Hower US Army Sergeant Captain Gary Hower US Air Force US Army USN, USAF Heath Tristin McCreery Marine Corp. Marines Kohlheim Army Corporal Kim Miller Corporal Skip Traster Dan David Grubb Dr. Geoffrey Dr. Richard S. Lt. Robert M. Hemmick USAF Ormand R. Lash Rhinesmith US Army Roush Roush US Army US Navy US Navy US Army Marines Captain, US Army Lt. Cdr. Rick Ferguson Arthur Atwater Yeoman 1st Matthew Roush US Navy JAG Navy Reserve Andy Leonhardt Electricians Gunnery Sergeant Christopher McCreery Marines Sergeant Christopher Bornkamp US Army, Army Guard Sergeant Ty Miller Marines E4 Sergeant staff Sergeant Russell Deam Mate Air Force 62nd Interceptor Squadron, Air Force 2nd Class, Navy () Drs. Roush & Will Optometrists Our Freedom Was Not Free! All of us at Drs. Roush & Will are very grateful for your service to this country! Sergeant Hal Miller Ryan Smith Sr. Master Sgt. USAF David Atwater 2nd Lietenant William Bush Staff Sergeant Edgar Hower US Army Sergeant Captain Gary Hower US Air Force US Army USN, USAF Heath Tristin McCreery Marine Corp. Marines Kohlheim Army Corporal Kim Miller Corporal Skip Traster Dan David Grubb Dr. Geoffrey Dr. Richard S. Lt. Robert M. Hemmick USAF Ormand R. Lash Rhinesmith US Army Roush Roush US Army US Navy US Navy US Army Marines Captain, US Army Lt. Cdr. Rick Ferguson Arthur Atwater Yeoman 1st Matthew Roush US Navy JAG Navy Reserve Andy Leonhardt Electricians Gunnery Sergeant Christopher McCreery Marines Sergeant Christopher Bornkamp US Army, Army Guard Sergeant Ty Miller Marines E4 Sergeant staff Sergeant Russell Deam Mate Air Force 62nd Interceptor Squadron, Air Force 2nd Class, Navy