ZUTHERAN SCHOOL NURTURE PROMOTE DEVELOP God-given Abilities and Skills 2022-2023 Enrollment Opens Soon! Faith in Christ Discipleship 3 and 4 year old Preschool through 8th Grade CHOICE Scholarships cover full tuition for most families OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEB. 27, 12:00-3:00 CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION ST. JOHN 301 South Oak, Kendallville, Indiana 260-347-2444 UTHERAN SCHOOL www.stjohneagles.org ONNY ZUTHERAN SCHOOL NURTURE PROMOTE DEVELOP God-given Abilities and Skills 2022-2023 Enrollment Opens Soon! Faith in Christ Discipleship 3 and 4 year old Preschool through 8th Grade CHOICE Scholarships cover full tuition for most families OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEB. 27, 12:00-3:00 CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION ST. JOHN 301 South Oak, Kendallville, Indiana 260-347-2444 UTHERAN SCHOOL www.stjohneagles.org ONNY