McLallin EstatcAuction Saturday, march 13, 2021 0:00 a.m. OTRACTORS O ROGATOR FARM MACHINERY 3% miles west of Wolf Lake, Ind. O TRUCKS HARLEY-DAVIDSON O SIDE-BY-SIDE ATV O POLARIS RZR O FARM PRIMITIVES AND MORE on 100 S to Gilbert Lake Rd., then southwest 4 mile at 7463 W Gilbert Lake Rd., Kimmell, IN 46760. Note: Wolf Lake is 9 miles south- east of Ligonier, Ind. on US 33. TRAILERS GRAIN CART 10 GRAVITY WAGONS & MORE Lewis J. McLallin Estate Peggy Daniels, Personal Representative Terms: Cash or Chedck with proper ID Credit Card with Convenience Fee HAHN Office (574) 773-8445 Nappanee, IN AC39800021 NAA Any Annoucements Made Day of Sale Take Precedence Over Printed Matter Live Online | Powered By. Bidding Phil Hahn - (574) 535-3783 IN Lic. #AU01012967 Jason Hahn (574) 536-7682 Clint Cripe (574) 354-8006 proxibid Brian Wuthrich, Sale Manager (574) 268-4940 - Milford, IN McLallin EstatcAuction Saturday, march 13, 2021 0:00 a.m. OTRACTORS O ROGATOR FARM MACHINERY 3% miles west of Wolf Lake, Ind. O TRUCKS HARLEY-DAVIDSON O SIDE-BY-SIDE ATV O POLARIS RZR O FARM PRIMITIVES AND MORE on 100 S to Gilbert Lake Rd., then southwest 4 mile at 7463 W Gilbert Lake Rd., Kimmell, IN 46760. Note: Wolf Lake is 9 miles south- east of Ligonier, Ind. on US 33. TRAILERS GRAIN CART 10 GRAVITY WAGONS & MORE Lewis J. McLallin Estate Peggy Daniels, Personal Representative Terms: Cash or Chedck with proper ID Credit Card with Convenience Fee HAHN Office (574) 773-8445 Nappanee, IN AC39800021 NAA Any Annoucements Made Day of Sale Take Precedence Over Printed Matter Live Online | Powered By. Bidding Phil Hahn - (574) 535-3783 IN Lic. #AU01012967 Jason Hahn (574) 536-7682 Clint Cripe (574) 354-8006 proxibid Brian Wuthrich, Sale Manager (574) 268-4940 - Milford, IN