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    December 3, 2019
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On GavingTuesday and throughout this bolday season, consider supporting local tonpeots who serve our community by helping with some of their greatest needs. i an sbbevianed ist of the Soto eodes who sobmited a wish lis See scubenfoundacion.or/isblist for full detail Steuben County Community Foundation 2019-2020 Nonprofit Wish List Cahooes Coffee Cafe | 24-2 | hdinai $10 et st er sngen, sbool style at nd csf upples 101Lakes Trust Inc. 2054211 trigteirbe.act s1000 Po l , coed sevies $10 Syofum coffee cps &coffee Non-monetary: Vilanteen, part ie dinoctor Alano Chb of Angela 2069 bilanitenalom st00: 2 wieles mknpe eriver 51000 50 Akoolics Aoymos Books and 5100 Ninja Band Pdeional Blnder, pino s0 Naros A Books, commencial ning folding talles and chuin afenime comporite $1000 OOnc time deep clean from a fim ch an or oudor pc ule No-mooctary Meeting oo fooe npair, Upades to PAstem foe evets vokuntevr help with grunt witing Proon or compuntle Non-monetary: Adult menors to school ag kmkeing/comnication volaes Cospassion Pregancy Center Downtown Angola Coalision -319-5411 Clear Lake Township Land Comevancy 227-1072 beide.harrisonitdadloconcoaqog s10 Gatale pder & ganola hars s100: Weed cater new/uned in good working si00: Counter np for seceprion arca fcan be thank you notes, bonled waner) ti)otom retraceable banser for evenes 51000 Enced uiiy mder & stoage hed $1000 Wandrobe (oge&dplay able pw/ed in gd woking coedtion Non-monetary: Volantrer o help with oelie pesnce, solanseers so helpoe June 13, 30 oe nal Kas Isld Workd $1085x copr paper& shite candk dsn pper twl nlh mdcm $10 Office pplies (oopy paper, eovekopes o, shelving beckets ndsheves for buly oee S100 Sden, cndy, e. Santa' antival and wagon rides, seanonal update of ngine Aley" doration/w a vipend $1000: Sponorbip for our events conbution wandh place making projecr Non-meonetary: ound mining, volunteers to help with event kogiveics hand o kd at d chuins for volunteet work arca Non-monetary: Violunteer so help onganiar d coosrcr deplays and songe in "son & inseructioen on how to une escel graphs) Lake Janes Cheistian Camp KC Leaming Center, Inc. 20 2418| blukkkamingcatctate & Retreat Center s10: Rack cands/tlyens, am of whine paper 2--2 maniicao $100 his fo waing oom, selepoe for $10 25 g of our or sopar, h blls office $1000 Pi/wnner/opier/al is oegican tuncry idine as window foe the check in ounter Non-monetary: Vnncers for Hoosiers Feeding the Hengry 2541-065 Tveshii konierdeedinghuhungryang S10 Pastic stoege boses, sky notes, paper S100 Shelving snits s 2&postage stamps s1000 Sg Sor ounide the office &2 lapeop Non-monetary Gnphic desn and marketing hrlp, aistance wih webite s100. New campmamen or martreo coven, S1000 New fianures for remodeled burheom hodaris fo Non-moneary Gods sod n vntes, food senice and wait staff voknteen for apecial evmt Purdoe Estension Seuben County mpers n choicl aitce i facx dblgets Linle Lambs Daycare 20s9113 | liklamksioitictm sto: Hateries (any si Command stripa st00 wheel kes, rao er kes mobile baskertul hoop s1000: Mdch for playground, CDA Kas Develenene Asie for 3emgyees Non-monetary: Volnteers for upkep of lound, volners for painring and deaning Project Help s 6-335 1 ichp .csm 206600 400 c.o s10 Toner amg for per, oltcer and staff name t st00: 4 uterl, S shelf commencial cart for Manspoting dunations d commencial pplanr can for haing donatis s1000 Langer dmpter & pemunene shelving for garage "ce Ane and Fusitute Sote Non-monetary: In-boune bul aining atNen-monetary Chca daning progra oy bound eetings loteens g sess, onige facility to oe nd host our riin, cpionist, and sotes $10: Fip chan, marken, cear planie tablenap bchack/ins to peomoe pram s100: Sponsnhip/incentives for Mas dr and Songheing Faniles Prgam $1000 Sp ming coses of addeional facilieanor, estend working houn of a paid program aistant nd/ce pan ine walf Extemin Boand Annual Meeting in the fall Steuben County +H Fair Hoard 2s 1000 sian s10 Youh seam-ing ps (MAMs $10 Sks for seon, late pri paying cand undaows, inks cands, , ip |thums, ring/e. thank youcanh & postage $100: Pgram fees outh ce en S 000 Kegs o miwaes, compaten chid ad applies S1000 Trp cos for yudh $3 lee ew bam posts and/or footers to end the barking ene salde ife of b Non-monetary: Volunter instructoni for don senn, kl dvice for volooter bonl RISE, Inc. 20S S | ategluntitiscanglacon sto: Ofice sepples pepen, hand santr, sapk am upples , bruhes, c) st00 New/ned mnical intnaments, e cardh/crodie at Menands/ome Depo, enc st000: Funds or bulding supplies Non-monetary: Volanteen to help wieh muintenance around the facliy (puinin andscaping ec wleer oceate new platod g Steuben County Council on Aging, Inc. 0SS91 | DSastlncaceg osicritualucala $100 Supply of qley platc sware, sak & prpper slakers and supa paket lers bor ales Non-monetary: Vohunteers for front office and to tech crafn, compater une & program Steuben County United Way 200456196 Jsicaltobaatoben.c S10 Paper & evekpes. cases of water or volantocrs and events S100: School uples koe kindergaen campers rolls of wamp st000 Bound space & murketing merias Non-monetary: D of Caring volunes places o puta Lnined Way bunner Tuming Point TIC House Indiana | s10: Salt for walks, gi cands for reidens to cacaitnunioggoiubn.og purchase mk, tead, and ter St00: Hindh bat e m and office don, shelving unit forsorage m $1000 Monetry doio No-monetary: Legal awistance, comction nten for m pct $10 Dee,pper tosels S100: Kift canh for clients (Walmart, pa ation, paine $1000 oi mope Non-monetary: Tewher for paring cla, kegal senices for diens VMCA of Soben Cousry | 260-66867 sfankboscancatoutencng $10 Post os ps $100 Nw bankethall,&-foot folding tables $1000: Soccer mal new blacktand Non-monetary Team bkdng tining, nemoval We Chad Cinic 260-465-240S lkhikknicsnenailcom Women in Tranition s10: Food sotage containers ys glan or plati)coffee make $100 Fry pam/cooking puns, windo varmeer (mini binds or cutain for Bdrom S1000: Refrigerator, TV Not-menetary Voluneen eoled foe pring garag sale, tanpottion volaen S10 Office speles, chilen's snks healh, no candy), boeled waner st00: Copy papr toner $1000 Va enet, advemisin Non-monetary: Nune and reoptionist Juring dk eam days A gift to the Spirit of Commanity fand at Steuben County Commutity Foandascnn ned to sapport all nges of neols that nongeofits have in Steuben County. Visit atcuboafounlaton.c/donutc 170 NWe S Angola, IN 467031sccubendondation.u 200666656 Steuben County #GIVINGTUESDAY Community Foundation On GavingTuesday and throughout this bolday season, consider supporting local tonpeots who serve our community by helping with some of their greatest needs. i an sbbevianed ist of the Soto eodes who sobmited a wish lis See scubenfoundacion.or/isblist for full detail Steuben County Community Foundation 2019-2020 Nonprofit Wish List Cahooes Coffee Cafe | 24-2 | hdinai $10 et st er sngen, sbool style at nd csf upples 101Lakes Trust Inc. 2054211 trigteirbe.act s1000 Po l , coed sevies $10 Syofum coffee cps &coffee Non-monetary: Vilanteen, part ie dinoctor Alano Chb of Angela 2069 bilanitenalom st00: 2 wieles mknpe eriver 51000 50 Akoolics Aoymos Books and 5100 Ninja Band Pdeional Blnder, pino s0 Naros A Books, commencial ning folding talles and chuin afenime comporite $1000 OOnc time deep clean from a fim ch an or oudor pc ule No-mooctary Meeting oo fooe npair, Upades to PAstem foe evets vokuntevr help with grunt witing Proon or compuntle Non-monetary: Adult menors to school ag kmkeing/comnication volaes Cospassion Pregancy Center Downtown Angola Coalision -319-5411 Clear Lake Township Land Comevancy 227-1072 beide.harrisonitdadloconcoaqog s10 Gatale pder & ganola hars s100: Weed cater new/uned in good working si00: Counter np for seceprion arca fcan be thank you notes, bonled waner) ti)otom retraceable banser for evenes 51000 Enced uiiy mder & stoage hed $1000 Wandrobe (oge&dplay able pw/ed in gd woking coedtion Non-monetary: Volantrer o help with oelie pesnce, solanseers so helpoe June 13, 30 oe nal Kas Isld Workd $1085x copr paper& shite candk dsn pper twl nlh mdcm $10 Office pplies (oopy paper, eovekopes o, shelving beckets ndsheves for buly oee S100 Sden, cndy, e. Santa' antival and wagon rides, seanonal update of ngine Aley" doration/w a vipend $1000: Sponorbip for our events conbution wandh place making projecr Non-meonetary: ound mining, volunteers to help with event kogiveics hand o kd at d chuins for volunteet work arca Non-monetary: Violunteer so help onganiar d coosrcr deplays and songe in "son & inseructioen on how to une escel graphs) Lake Janes Cheistian Camp KC Leaming Center, Inc. 20 2418| blukkkamingcatctate & Retreat Center s10: Rack cands/tlyens, am of whine paper 2--2 maniicao $100 his fo waing oom, selepoe for $10 25 g of our or sopar, h blls office $1000 Pi/wnner/opier/al is oegican tuncry idine as window foe the check in ounter Non-monetary: Vnncers for Hoosiers Feeding the Hengry 2541-065 Tveshii konierdeedinghuhungryang S10 Pastic stoege boses, sky notes, paper S100 Shelving snits s 2&postage stamps s1000 Sg Sor ounide the office &2 lapeop Non-monetary Gnphic desn and marketing hrlp, aistance wih webite s100. New campmamen or martreo coven, S1000 New fianures for remodeled burheom hodaris fo Non-moneary Gods sod n vntes, food senice and wait staff voknteen for apecial evmt Purdoe Estension Seuben County mpers n choicl aitce i facx dblgets Linle Lambs Daycare 20s9113 | liklamksioitictm sto: Hateries (any si Command stripa st00 wheel kes, rao er kes mobile baskertul hoop s1000: Mdch for playground, CDA Kas Develenene Asie for 3emgyees Non-monetary: Volnteers for upkep of lound, volners for painring and deaning Project Help s 6-335 1 ichp .csm 206600 400 c.o s10 Toner amg for per, oltcer and staff name t st00: 4 uterl, S shelf commencial cart for Manspoting dunations d commencial pplanr can for haing donatis s1000 Langer dmpter & pemunene shelving for garage "ce Ane and Fusitute Sote Non-monetary: In-boune bul aining atNen-monetary Chca daning progra oy bound eetings loteens g sess, onige facility to oe nd host our riin, cpionist, and sotes $10: Fip chan, marken, cear planie tablenap bchack/ins to peomoe pram s100: Sponsnhip/incentives for Mas dr and Songheing Faniles Prgam $1000 Sp ming coses of addeional facilieanor, estend working houn of a paid program aistant nd/ce pan ine walf Extemin Boand Annual Meeting in the fall Steuben County +H Fair Hoard 2s 1000 sian s10 Youh seam-ing ps (MAMs $10 Sks for seon, late pri paying cand undaows, inks cands, , ip |thums, ring/e. thank youcanh & postage $100: Pgram fees outh ce en S 000 Kegs o miwaes, compaten chid ad applies S1000 Trp cos for yudh $3 lee ew bam posts and/or footers to end the barking ene salde ife of b Non-monetary: Volunter instructoni for don senn, kl dvice for volooter bonl RISE, Inc. 20S S | ategluntitiscanglacon sto: Ofice sepples pepen, hand santr, sapk am upples , bruhes, c) st00 New/ned mnical intnaments, e cardh/crodie at Menands/ome Depo, enc st000: Funds or bulding supplies Non-monetary: Volanteen to help wieh muintenance around the facliy (puinin andscaping ec wleer oceate new platod g Steuben County Council on Aging, Inc. 0SS91 | DSastlncaceg osicritualucala $100 Supply of qley platc sware, sak & prpper slakers and supa paket lers bor ales Non-monetary: Vohunteers for front office and to tech crafn, compater une & program Steuben County United Way 200456196 Jsicaltobaatoben.c S10 Paper & evekpes. cases of water or volantocrs and events S100: School uples koe kindergaen campers rolls of wamp st000 Bound space & murketing merias Non-monetary: D of Caring volunes places o puta Lnined Way bunner Tuming Point TIC House Indiana | s10: Salt for walks, gi cands for reidens to cacaitnunioggoiubn.og purchase mk, tead, and ter St00: Hindh bat e m and office don, shelving unit forsorage m $1000 Monetry doio No-monetary: Legal awistance, comction nten for m pct $10 Dee,pper tosels S100: Kift canh for clients (Walmart, pa ation, paine $1000 oi mope Non-monetary: Tewher for paring cla, kegal senices for diens VMCA of Soben Cousry | 260-66867 sfankboscancatoutencng $10 Post os ps $100 Nw bankethall,&-foot folding tables $1000: Soccer mal new blacktand Non-monetary Team bkdng tining, nemoval We Chad Cinic 260-465-240S lkhikknicsnenailcom Women in Tranition s10: Food sotage containers ys glan or plati)coffee make $100 Fry pam/cooking puns, windo varmeer (mini binds or cutain for Bdrom S1000: Refrigerator, TV Not-menetary Voluneen eoled foe pring garag sale, tanpottion volaen S10 Office speles, chilen's snks healh, no candy), boeled waner st00: Copy papr toner $1000 Va enet, advemisin Non-monetary: Nune and reoptionist Juring dk eam days A gift to the Spirit of Commanity fand at Steuben County Commutity Foandascnn ned to sapport all nges of neols that nongeofits have in Steuben County. Visit atcuboafounlaton.c/donutc 170 NWe S Angola, IN 467031sccubendondation.u 200666656 Steuben County #GIVINGTUESDAY Community Foundation