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  • Published Date

    December 1, 2020
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On #GivingTuesday and theoughout this holiday season, Steuben County Nonprofit Wish List coesider supporting local nonpeofits who serve our community by helping with some of their greatest needs. 2020 This is an abbreviated list, see for full details. Caboo Ceffee Cafe Camene Memerial Commanity Hospinal Commenity Ani Violence Alance 200-6T-4iT lkatacom S Colueing boos peper St0 Interioe paint Bon/cand gemes S100: 4 chunnel XIR ake video gam S Oeepplies S100: Gas cands for puien S100: Piener ink k vition room o S000: Lapop compuner & vidon game conole Nonmonetary Voluneen k COVID 9 sanitarion of viitation , volunen fe DY oine s0. Air condaetion audiomeser s1000. Donarion wde foor efutishinga new/refurtishod net ades opre machine Non-monetary Vekonteen to present ouhn heninage an perem, voluner hur Cear Lake Tunahip Land Conservancy Compasicn Pergnancy Center Downtown Angla Coalition 20T3 is 20-527.1072 bidashatisonkadalacoan S10: ladividuly wappod nacks a ewope S100 Fover amp canmnable hane s Desk chair & Keute s Tole peper, peper wes d opier pper. whine cand vock s Markem & ream of paper s00 Clening les let peper S000: Cndoor hanner ating senvices d shehving Nononetary: Spones fot sovies widin mit Non-monetary Voluwen help on for evens community w rides, wnen's week, htorical pn, s1000: Fockned uniry traler oew lapoup mputer Non-monetary: Loal expem to ach elacational eve, olunenlpon Jane 12 2021 foe Kota llnd Cap Dhey otatiom, volaen famar wih Apple MacBook Po ller wchkpral help Easterseal RISE 20659 | odach stieriscote Fement Youth & Community Outreach, Inc. Lake James Christian Camp & Rerean Center S: 25 . hag of floror g gal h S10: Adjustable bea m and for wheekhair Si Postage stamps a lasol wipes S100: Sign bound on whecle & large-scale ooking b S100: Notat infraed themmr S100 Karwke machine wera mienophone st000 laflaable ovic screen w/peeee and s0h Cango van imurance depipmene for maas minphne stands pekers new haskedlloop andcement pal mel packing eve Non-monetary: Volunscen so paint bridge and pionie a S000 P Presener wan, hand miephene sem, stage bon Non-monetary: Volunneen for food dibon a eleerical/wiing and plambing senioes Project Hele Pardue Estension Soeuben Coenty 20-8-1 0 sicriipndaalu Promise land Commonity Ine sie Pust cands & candtica st0. Sale for sidewalis & dignalde hven sI0e: Conmercial onny rgs toner cannider and soe: Fianes heade eopy paper s1000 Lager dry erae sign heay duny fod. s Fip chant paper and mken & incentve for per s00 Sponscedip of Annie's Pejecet & Tels S1000: Eacrcine euuipement &vgn langage aching cham Non-monetary: Volannen eng nd indvah during clae deon S00 Estend weking houn of a paidl program iatant and/or part-time statf Nenenetary C during pegrem eions, unique faciliry o sour and hont our Evenion kand Annual loeting in de fll Seeuben County Huumane Sheher carts snd fire moving catts Non-monetary: Volnteer o son coting od dintribune ol volnteen un Cristma istance pegra Strubes County Historical Sociery Steuben County Council on Aging, In. 2045191 | Dia bco st0: Iaponabde kinchenware & unitiring keme s: Paper lawn/kaf bags &LEDr bulta 20 S S nlaon S Collar & catw s100 Wer/dey v mpples for dment peervation s1000, Folding setile rack dehumidifiet s00 Prinner cartrides d palets of cat litet $000: Van epain and mainenance d lennd modicatiom Nonnetary Volanen help widh landscaping and paint touchup, oci meda help St00, Cook vare d knife set Non-monetary Volntenw winds voluntees wih moving and onpeniring benes. Heavy iny Non-netary Veleno help with we bed grioming and raking Steuben County Lieracy Coalition TIC Hoane ladiana 20 424 2274 | malakalcn Steuben Couney Lsited Way st0: INaponahle camers & gifi cands kr inemvn s Copy pper & envekoper sto0: Food for cooking chubgi canh for wache/ atant st000: Funding for vnadent ada onrichment pga Non-monetary: Finrichment periders that can r for a couple wocks ar a time mwk vinal pegranming in any fe Trine University 065-4129 1 machliaaicadu s10 Pekags of pen A uhie paper st00. Schnd upplien, nolh of tanpe S000 Nlboand pe & never oy machine Non monetaryi Volenen o help senion S: Postag tamps & hand sanitin s0: lipoom ink S02 & met/perihalen ceaning ple $1000: Monerary donations for rent aintance and mae hone repain Non-onetary: Technical lw iste volurnes fr home inpenement peject O PEOP dinabled with yanheek, a place o put donot dip Tening Point 200 65-9191 alannhamninionsbenae ste landry ap & tamp s00 Gas canls &k jaciets wih new kg S Ofe sepplies, heudy cillren's enacks borded water S100: This andiing Tdey hank you can/pirna kunch S1000: Soudene schdanhip Bois and Beyond so00. New hed and waed oon s00 Prining toner & tivity boks S000 Ofer clesinga molical uine eripe Scholanhip Non-monetary Velaenaer phonn Non-monetary: Volunner n cleie days Non-monetary Velunteer w wrie, w vlen dve resle poimen ogonal event weken Women in Trannition 204437 witacaenalum S0 Office les cole pot s300: Vacm wevper s000 Kisehen calinet repain a bathro sin st000 Cce deska indad shes coer ope Non-monetary Compuner ochnical aistance & om foor demn peer maportatin k wn appoinments YMCAof Steuben Counny ste and saniier paper St00 Web camera bning ne Steuben County Community Foundation Non-monetary: Iasetice design, volanneen ar #GIVINGTUESDAY A gift to the Spirit of Community fund at Steuben County Community Foundation is used to support all tpes of needs for Steuben County nonprofits. Visit 1701 N Wayne St, Angola, IN 46703 | | 260-665-6656 On #GivingTuesday and theoughout this holiday season, Steuben County Nonprofit Wish List coesider supporting local nonpeofits who serve our community by helping with some of their greatest needs. 2020 This is an abbreviated list, see for full details. Caboo Ceffee Cafe Camene Memerial Commanity Hospinal Commenity Ani Violence Alance 200-6T-4iT lkatacom S Colueing boos peper St0 Interioe paint Bon/cand gemes S100: 4 chunnel XIR ake video gam S Oeepplies S100: Gas cands for puien S100: Piener ink k vition room o S000: Lapop compuner & vidon game conole Nonmonetary Voluneen k COVID 9 sanitarion of viitation , volunen fe DY oine s0. Air condaetion audiomeser s1000. Donarion wde foor efutishinga new/refurtishod net ades opre machine Non-monetary Vekonteen to present ouhn heninage an perem, voluner hur Cear Lake Tunahip Land Conservancy Compasicn Pergnancy Center Downtown Angla Coalition 20T3 is 20-527.1072 bidashatisonkadalacoan S10: ladividuly wappod nacks a ewope S100 Fover amp canmnable hane s Desk chair & Keute s Tole peper, peper wes d opier pper. whine cand vock s Markem & ream of paper s00 Clening les let peper S000: Cndoor hanner ating senvices d shehving Nononetary: Spones fot sovies widin mit Non-monetary Voluwen help on for evens community w rides, wnen's week, htorical pn, s1000: Fockned uniry traler oew lapoup mputer Non-monetary: Loal expem to ach elacational eve, olunenlpon Jane 12 2021 foe Kota llnd Cap Dhey otatiom, volaen famar wih Apple MacBook Po ller wchkpral help Easterseal RISE 20659 | odach stieriscote Fement Youth & Community Outreach, Inc. Lake James Christian Camp & Rerean Center S: 25 . hag of floror g gal h S10: Adjustable bea m and for wheekhair Si Postage stamps a lasol wipes S100: Sign bound on whecle & large-scale ooking b S100: Notat infraed themmr S100 Karwke machine wera mienophone st000 laflaable ovic screen w/peeee and s0h Cango van imurance depipmene for maas minphne stands pekers new haskedlloop andcement pal mel packing eve Non-monetary: Volunscen so paint bridge and pionie a S000 P Presener wan, hand miephene sem, stage bon Non-monetary: Volunneen for food dibon a eleerical/wiing and plambing senioes Project Hele Pardue Estension Soeuben Coenty 20-8-1 0 sicriipndaalu Promise land Commonity Ine sie Pust cands & candtica st0. Sale for sidewalis & dignalde hven sI0e: Conmercial onny rgs toner cannider and soe: Fianes heade eopy paper s1000 Lager dry erae sign heay duny fod. s Fip chant paper and mken & incentve for per s00 Sponscedip of Annie's Pejecet & Tels S1000: Eacrcine euuipement &vgn langage aching cham Non-monetary: Volannen eng nd indvah during clae deon S00 Estend weking houn of a paidl program iatant and/or part-time statf Nenenetary C during pegrem eions, unique faciliry o sour and hont our Evenion kand Annual loeting in de fll Seeuben County Huumane Sheher carts snd fire moving catts Non-monetary: Volnteer o son coting od dintribune ol volnteen un Cristma istance pegra Strubes County Historical Sociery Steuben County Council on Aging, In. 2045191 | Dia bco st0: Iaponabde kinchenware & unitiring keme s: Paper lawn/kaf bags &LEDr bulta 20 S S nlaon S Collar & catw s100 Wer/dey v mpples for dment peervation s1000, Folding setile rack dehumidifiet s00 Prinner cartrides d palets of cat litet $000: Van epain and mainenance d lennd modicatiom Nonnetary Volanen help widh landscaping and paint touchup, oci meda help St00, Cook vare d knife set Non-monetary Volntenw winds voluntees wih moving and onpeniring benes. Heavy iny Non-netary Veleno help with we bed grioming and raking Steuben County Lieracy Coalition TIC Hoane ladiana 20 424 2274 | malakalcn Steuben Couney Lsited Way st0: INaponahle camers & gifi cands kr inemvn s Copy pper & envekoper sto0: Food for cooking chubgi canh for wache/ atant st000: Funding for vnadent ada onrichment pga Non-monetary: Finrichment periders that can r for a couple wocks ar a time mwk vinal pegranming in any fe Trine University 065-4129 1 machliaaicadu s10 Pekags of pen A uhie paper st00. Schnd upplien, nolh of tanpe S000 Nlboand pe & never oy machine Non monetaryi Volenen o help senion S: Postag tamps & hand sanitin s0: lipoom ink S02 & met/perihalen ceaning ple $1000: Monerary donations for rent aintance and mae hone repain Non-onetary: Technical lw iste volurnes fr home inpenement peject O PEOP dinabled with yanheek, a place o put donot dip Tening Point 200 65-9191 alannhamninionsbenae ste landry ap & tamp s00 Gas canls &k jaciets wih new kg S Ofe sepplies, heudy cillren's enacks borded water S100: This andiing Tdey hank you can/pirna kunch S1000: Soudene schdanhip Bois and Beyond so00. New hed and waed oon s00 Prining toner & tivity boks S000 Ofer clesinga molical uine eripe Scholanhip Non-monetary Velaenaer phonn Non-monetary: Volunner n cleie days Non-monetary Velunteer w wrie, w vlen dve resle poimen ogonal event weken Women in Trannition 204437 witacaenalum S0 Office les cole pot s300: Vacm wevper s000 Kisehen calinet repain a bathro sin st000 Cce deska indad shes coer ope Non-monetary Compuner ochnical aistance & om foor demn peer maportatin k wn appoinments YMCAof Steuben Counny ste and saniier paper St00 Web camera bning ne Steuben County Community Foundation Non-monetary: Iasetice design, volanneen ar #GIVINGTUESDAY A gift to the Spirit of Community fund at Steuben County Community Foundation is used to support all tpes of needs for Steuben County nonprofits. Visit 1701 N Wayne St, Angola, IN 46703 | | 260-665-6656