FREMONT PUBLIC LIBRARY "A good library will never be too neat or too dusty, because some- body will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them." - Lemony Snicket, Horseradish MATERIALS & SERVICES Book collections for all ages Magazines & newspapers Audiobooks (CD) Playaway Audio (MP3), Playa- way View, Launchpads Media lab: digital conversion equipment, sewing machine, button-maker & die cutter Reciprocal agreement with Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County DVD and Blu-ray Early literacy, ABC, and Back- yard Explorer Kits Games & puzzles for check out Public computers /Internet / Microsoft Office Wireless connectivity Public copier/scanner Tax Forms Outdoor drop box Local history resources Programming for all ages Ongoing yoga & fitness clas- ses 1004 West Toledo Street Monthly book discussions Fremont, Indiana Crafts for children & young adults Online calendar Outgoing Fax Interlibrary loan 260-495-7157 Weekly story time for ages 2- Kindergarten 260-495-7127 (FAX) FREMONT PUBLIC LIBRARY "A good library will never be too neat or too dusty, because some- body will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them." - Lemony Snicket, Horseradish MATERIALS & SERVICES Book collections for all ages Magazines & newspapers Audiobooks (CD) Playaway Audio (MP3), Playa- way View, Launchpads Media lab: digital conversion equipment, sewing machine, button-maker & die cutter Reciprocal agreement with Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County DVD and Blu-ray Early literacy, ABC, and Back- yard Explorer Kits Games & puzzles for check out Public computers /Internet / Microsoft Office Wireless connectivity Public copier/scanner Tax Forms Outdoor drop box Local history resources Programming for all ages Ongoing yoga & fitness clas- ses 1004 West Toledo Street Monthly book discussions Fremont, Indiana Crafts for children & young adults Online calendar Outgoing Fax Interlibrary loan 260-495-7157 Weekly story time for ages 2- Kindergarten 260-495-7127 (FAX)