Downloadable eBook, audiobook, movie & music collections . Online access to research & genealogy databases Meeting Rooms available for public use . Reciprocal agreement with Angola Carnegie Library . Computer/device assistance Media lab with digital conversion equipment Programming for all ages Craft tables for children & young adults Ongoing yoga classes Monthly book discussions Public copier/scanner . Outgoing Fax Button-maker Fremont Public Library Our Books Are Only 1/2 The Story! MATERIALS & SERVICES Book Collections for all ages . Magazines & newspapers . Audiobooks (CD) DVD and Blu-ray . Playaway Audio (MP3), Playa- way View, Launchpads Early Literacy, ABC,and Back- yard Explorer Kits YA Activity Kits Email or text notifications Interlibrary loan PLAC cards (IN access) 30 public computers / Inter- net / Microsoft Office Sewing machine Tax Forms Online calendar 1004 West Toledo Street Fremont, Indiana 260-495-7157 . Wireless connectivity Curbside Service Outdoor dropbox prote Downloadable eBook , audiobook , movie & music collections . Online access to research & genealogy databases Meeting Rooms available for public use . Reciprocal agreement with Angola Carnegie Library . Computer / device assistance Media lab with digital conversion equipment Programming for all ages Craft tables for children & young adults Ongoing yoga classes Monthly book discussions Public copier / scanner . Outgoing Fax Button - maker Fremont Public Library Our Books Are Only 1/2 The Story ! MATERIALS & SERVICES Book Collections for all ages . Magazines & newspapers . Audiobooks ( CD ) DVD and Blu - ray . Playaway Audio ( MP3 ) , Playa way View , Launchpads Early Literacy , ABC , and Back yard Explorer Kits YA Activity Kits Email or text notifications Interlibrary loan PLAC cards ( IN access ) 30 public computers / Inter net / Microsoft Office Sewing machine Tax Forms Online calendar 1004 West Toledo Street Fremont , Indiana 260-495-7157 . Wireless connectivity Curbside Service Outdoor dropbox prote