KENDALLVILLE CHAMBER hatter Kençallville MISSION: "To provide all member businesses with purpose-drivee benefits to impreve, grow and strengthen tvir business." Area Chamber of Commerce reome te Join the Chamber Today! Get involved to GROW our community! KENDALLVILLE AREA CHAMBER EVENTS FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER October 10th - Pork Burger Meal -The sale begins at 10 am at the coner of US 6 and Hwy. 3 North, Kendalvile. The meal is $5 (sandwich, chips and bottled water. The proceeds will go towards building a roof for the outdoor run that will protect the dogs feom the elements during their outside time this winter. An additional fundraiser is the PRE ORDER for boxes of Mischler's pork burgers. The t/4. patties, original flavor, are 24 to a box; each box is $25. PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF ORDER We will be accepting cash or check only. Pick up for orders will be Monday, October 19th at the Humane Society of Noble County facility on Sherman Street. Also during the pork burger sale. you may purchase raffie tickets for a chance to win some awesome prizes donated by local businesses. Tickets are Si each or 6 for $5. You may also receive tickets 1 item - 1 ticket) for donating these qualifying raffe ibema cat littericlumping or non dumpingl, hard kitten food, wet cat food ipate is preferred, however any is appreciatedi, cleaning supplies tdisinfectant solutions such es PinsoltysolFabulous Odo-ban or Trash bags (13 galss gal October 15th - Family mprov Nights -630 pm to 7:30 pm Community Leaming Center 401 East Diamond Soeet Gaslight Playhouse is triled to continue to bring you or "Family improv Nighas". Familes are weicome to come and join us to share and enjov doing and leaning more about the art of improvisation. This inafree event, vet we ak that you register by visiting the event page for the Improv Night on Facebook October 17th- Apple fritter and Nelson's Chicken -9 am to Spm Apple Friters9 am to 2 pm Nelson's Chicken TWO Locational SW Comer of US 6&Hwy. 3 Norh and St John Parking kot ierter off Rush Stre. Drive e sales, pre order and prepay options. Pre order is encouraged to guarantee a delicious apple friterl Use the folowing link to order and pay for trmers, chicken andior pit tatoes htpsformjotlorm.com2s24se043 When you order you wil select a specifie day and time to pickup your order. Al pick ups wa happen at St. John location. You will need your receipr orined or on your phonel to receive your order. October 17th - Farmen Market -Bam so 11am at Community Leaming Center, 401 Ent Diamond St. October 17th - Hog Roant -11 am-S pm Log Cabin a Noble County Fairgrounds, sos North Fair Street. Kerdalivile. Drive Thru Pvalable as well as pione tables for oundoor dining Sandwich Saci S5 incudes puled pok sandwich & Oipsi OR Cheeny Pg Meal $01 includes mac& Cheese with puled pork, green beans & cookie October 18th - Apple Friners - 9 amto 5 pm or unti we run out Drive up saleS John, 301S. Oak Stree terer perking lot from Rush Street OR SW corner of US A Hay 3 North PreOder and Pre Pay sales To have your order ready at aspecific time httpe form Pre Order and Pre Pay sales will be picked up athe St John location only October 23rd-Job Fair-8 am 12 pm at Community Leaming Center, 01 East Diarmond St. Atention Employers who are hiring and Employees who are looking For more information please contact Tara Soeb Noble County EDC trebroblecountyedc.comor 2006-00 October 31st - Tick or Treat on Main - 1000am in Downtown Kendalvie. Families will drive up to the comer of Main and Rush Street in front of City Hal to pick up pre packaged "oeat bage" for their children. Distrbution will begin at 10 am until all bags have been diotributed. We encourage the decorating of vehicles to make this event edra funtf you would ke to contribute to the breat bags, individually wapped candy donations may be dropped of so the Chamber during nomal business hours. November th - How to Chalenge Your Tax Assesament - 11:30 am at Community Leaning Cente, 401 Eost Diamond S Kendallvile. Ben Castie is the speaker The Kendalvile Chamber thanks the perimeter advertisers on this page who help publish this monthly chamber feature page Space a available. Hyou would lke to feature your buninens on this page, please contact the Kendalvile Area Chamber of Commerce or KPC Purchase Gift Cards on the Chamber Websitel Go to Your purchase helps local businesses to stay afloat during the COVID-19 arisis. The Kendalville Chamber thanks the perimrter advertisers on this page who hep publish this monthly chamber feature poge Spacesavaloble. you would lketo feature your business on this poge please connactthe kendalvile Area Chamber of Commerceor PC KENDALLVILLE CHAMBER hatter Kençallville MISSION: "To provide all member businesses with purpose-drivee benefits to impreve, grow and strengthen tvir business." Area Chamber of Commerce reome te Join the Chamber Today! Get involved to GROW our community! KENDALLVILLE AREA CHAMBER EVENTS FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER October 10th - Pork Burger Meal -The sale begins at 10 am at the coner of US 6 and Hwy. 3 North, Kendalvile. The meal is $5 (sandwich, chips and bottled water. The proceeds will go towards building a roof for the outdoor run that will protect the dogs feom the elements during their outside time this winter. An additional fundraiser is the PRE ORDER for boxes of Mischler's pork burgers. The t/4. patties, original flavor, are 24 to a box; each box is $25. PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF ORDER We will be accepting cash or check only. Pick up for orders will be Monday, October 19th at the Humane Society of Noble County facility on Sherman Street. Also during the pork burger sale. you may purchase raffie tickets for a chance to win some awesome prizes donated by local businesses. Tickets are Si each or 6 for $5. You may also receive tickets 1 item - 1 ticket) for donating these qualifying raffe ibema cat littericlumping or non dumpingl, hard kitten food, wet cat food ipate is preferred, however any is appreciatedi, cleaning supplies tdisinfectant solutions such es PinsoltysolFabulous Odo-ban or Trash bags (13 galss gal October 15th - Family mprov Nights -630 pm to 7:30 pm Community Leaming Center 401 East Diamond Soeet Gaslight Playhouse is triled to continue to bring you or "Family improv Nighas". Familes are weicome to come and join us to share and enjov doing and leaning more about the art of improvisation. This inafree event, vet we ak that you register by visiting the event page for the Improv Night on Facebook October 17th- Apple fritter and Nelson's Chicken -9 am to Spm Apple Friters9 am to 2 pm Nelson's Chicken TWO Locational SW Comer of US 6&Hwy. 3 Norh and St John Parking kot ierter off Rush Stre. Drive e sales, pre order and prepay options. Pre order is encouraged to guarantee a delicious apple friterl Use the folowing link to order and pay for trmers, chicken andior pit tatoes htpsformjotlorm.com2s24se043 When you order you wil select a specifie day and time to pickup your order. Al pick ups wa happen at St. John location. You will need your receipr orined or on your phonel to receive your order. October 17th - Farmen Market -Bam so 11am at Community Leaming Center, 401 Ent Diamond St. October 17th - Hog Roant -11 am-S pm Log Cabin a Noble County Fairgrounds, sos North Fair Street. Kerdalivile. Drive Thru Pvalable as well as pione tables for oundoor dining Sandwich Saci S5 incudes puled pok sandwich & Oipsi OR Cheeny Pg Meal $01 includes mac& Cheese with puled pork, green beans & cookie October 18th - Apple Friners - 9 amto 5 pm or unti we run out Drive up saleS John, 301S. Oak Stree terer perking lot from Rush Street OR SW corner of US A Hay 3 North PreOder and Pre Pay sales To have your order ready at aspecific time httpe form Pre Order and Pre Pay sales will be picked up athe St John location only October 23rd-Job Fair-8 am 12 pm at Community Leaming Center, 01 East Diarmond St. Atention Employers who are hiring and Employees who are looking For more information please contact Tara Soeb Noble County EDC trebroblecountyedc.comor 2006-00 October 31st - Tick or Treat on Main - 1000am in Downtown Kendalvie. Families will drive up to the comer of Main and Rush Street in front of City Hal to pick up pre packaged "oeat bage" for their children. Distrbution will begin at 10 am until all bags have been diotributed. We encourage the decorating of vehicles to make this event edra funtf you would ke to contribute to the breat bags, individually wapped candy donations may be dropped of so the Chamber during nomal business hours. November th - How to Chalenge Your Tax Assesament - 11:30 am at Community Leaning Cente, 401 Eost Diamond S Kendallvile. Ben Castie is the speaker The Kendalvile Chamber thanks the perimeter advertisers on this page who help publish this monthly chamber feature page Space a available. Hyou would lke to feature your buninens on this page, please contact the Kendalvile Area Chamber of Commerce or KPC Purchase Gift Cards on the Chamber Websitel Go to Your purchase helps local businesses to stay afloat during the COVID-19 arisis. The Kendalville Chamber thanks the perimrter advertisers on this page who hep publish this monthly chamber feature poge Spacesavaloble. you would lketo feature your business on this poge please connactthe kendalvile Area Chamber of Commerceor PC