KENDALLVILLE CHAMBER hatter Kengallville MISSION: "To procide all memer businesses awitk prpose-driven beneits te improe, grew and stengthve thir lusiness" Area Chamber of Commerce r buon pantetan Join the Chamber Today! Get involved to GROW our community! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: BIZZY BEE TEES -Heather Shepherd, Owner. 117 S. Main St. Kendalville. 200 452 5915 hetpwww. "We are a small family run graphic tee and oustom apparel butinesal We love creating new designs for graphic tees, a business, family trip or reunion, parties, etc." IMPACT CLEANING & RESTORATION LLC-Bonar family owned, 422 Water Street, Kendalville. 260-403-3000 Carpet, Tle and grout cleaning MIDWEST AMERICA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION -David Dressler, Branch Manager. 648E. North St. Kendalville. Crecit Union KENDALLVILLE AREA CHAMBER EVENTS FOR NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Month of November - Weter Cout Drive for Chaen-Kendalvie Arbys, 40 Wet North Sereet Kendalvie Arbys ie collecting win ter couts, hats, gioves, boots and shoes for children sioes neabom to AT. A ems will be collected for Lie and Family Services bems may be dropped offat the Kandallvie tysnow trough the endof November Novenber 1eh- Neons Chickm Fundraer - 10 am toz pmat comer of US6& Hay 3 North. The procoeds wil go to St. ohn Lutheran Church and School November eh- Le nd Family Services Fundraiser - pmat Syan Cellars. 2725 E Northporn Road. Rome CeIN 474 The Lalone Family and Syvan Celars wil sponsor a chli cookout on Saturday. November 14pm. S10 cover gets a bowl of thi well aseny to the band Shane and Enc Band A he cover charge wi bereflt Lend Famly Services. Aso. 31fom every driek purchase will go to Lie and family Services November tut-20th-Shop Small November-Shop at various locally owned smal busineses in Kendalvile. Spend at least S0 at ey LOCALLY OWNED SMALL BUSINESS in Kendavie then bring your oeipts no the Kendaile Chamber by Fridy. December eh to be entered a0 win a S00 CHRISTMAS SHOPPIN SPREE Thank you to our Sponsor Hosler Realty, Inc November 2h- Thankagiving Eve Dinnor -S pm Kendalvile Eagles No. Ss, 1900 Went US, Kendalvile. Meala S meal i Turkey or ham, mashed potatoes and gra green bean casserole, dressing deviled egs and roll and pumpkin pie Decenber aSh& h and December 11dh, 12& 13 - Winda Wter Wonderland-530 pm o 830 pm each night Mid Amer ka Windm Museum 732 South Alen Chapel Road CR 1000 E Kendalvile. 5 per person Free for kids under 12 years old. Facial masks required December Sh-Snd Annal Kendalivile Cvistmas Parade - tom beginning at North Side Elementary, ending at he American Legion Post . Lineup at noon. Theme is "A Gingerbread Chrinoman Parad ertry forma available at KPC the Kandalville Area Chamber or online at Deadine is November 20h hrough the stroets of Kendalville, pant the lighted Community Treel The wagon rides a freewit donation: top by the Chamber of Commeroe, 122 South Main Street for the wagon riden. The Horse draan wagons wil top at the Cristman Market an the Community Leaming Center to drop off people wanting to visit the market. The Christmas Market is pm to pm December 12h - Christmas Market - Community Leaming Center, 401 East Diamond Street, Kondalville. 4 pm 8 pm. The Community Leaming Center wil be having an outdoor Christmas Markat featuring crat and food vendors selling local products. Santa wil make an appearance an wel an the igheing of the Community Christman tre. Join un for fun, caroling and lots of Christemas shopping. Shop pers wil mairtain social ditancing and aoe masks a guired. Pbik estrooma will not be available Puhase Git Card on the Chanber Wetitel Goto www Kandavilechanbecom Vour purchase hes local businesses to stay alloat during the COVD 19 orisis The Kendale Chanberhas e perimeeaderteman ti pagratet hmonhy chanberttpage Sparisovalbe you entie yur bsinessonstpoge contae kendae Ae Oamberor Conneeor C PY harks KvilleChamberOctober_121969 4x15 #20 Jenny ImJm 4COLOR oup OS smult be undy 2 e mediotndu NS 11/14/20 KENDALLVILLE CHAMBER hatter Kengallville MISSION: "To procide all memer businesses awitk prpose-driven beneits te improe, grew and stengthve thir lusiness" Area Chamber of Commerce r buon pantetan Join the Chamber Today! Get involved to GROW our community! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: BIZZY BEE TEES -Heather Shepherd, Owner. 117 S. Main St. Kendalville. 200 452 5915 hetpwww. "We are a small family run graphic tee and oustom apparel butinesal We love creating new designs for graphic tees, a business, family trip or reunion, parties, etc." IMPACT CLEANING & RESTORATION LLC-Bonar family owned, 422 Water Street, Kendalville. 260-403-3000 Carpet, Tle and grout cleaning MIDWEST AMERICA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION -David Dressler, Branch Manager. 648E. North St. Kendalville. Crecit Union KENDALLVILLE AREA CHAMBER EVENTS FOR NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Month of November - Weter Cout Drive for Chaen-Kendalvie Arbys, 40 Wet North Sereet Kendalvie Arbys ie collecting win ter couts, hats, gioves, boots and shoes for children sioes neabom to AT. A ems will be collected for Lie and Family Services bems may be dropped offat the Kandallvie tysnow trough the endof November Novenber 1eh- Neons Chickm Fundraer - 10 am toz pmat comer of US6& Hay 3 North. The procoeds wil go to St. ohn Lutheran Church and School November eh- Le nd Family Services Fundraiser - pmat Syan Cellars. 2725 E Northporn Road. Rome CeIN 474 The Lalone Family and Syvan Celars wil sponsor a chli cookout on Saturday. November 14pm. S10 cover gets a bowl of thi well aseny to the band Shane and Enc Band A he cover charge wi bereflt Lend Famly Services. Aso. 31fom every driek purchase will go to Lie and family Services November tut-20th-Shop Small November-Shop at various locally owned smal busineses in Kendalvile. Spend at least S0 at ey LOCALLY OWNED SMALL BUSINESS in Kendavie then bring your oeipts no the Kendaile Chamber by Fridy. December eh to be entered a0 win a S00 CHRISTMAS SHOPPIN SPREE Thank you to our Sponsor Hosler Realty, Inc November 2h- Thankagiving Eve Dinnor -S pm Kendalvile Eagles No. Ss, 1900 Went US, Kendalvile. Meala S meal i Turkey or ham, mashed potatoes and gra green bean casserole, dressing deviled egs and roll and pumpkin pie Decenber aSh& h and December 11dh, 12& 13 - Winda Wter Wonderland-530 pm o 830 pm each night Mid Amer ka Windm Museum 732 South Alen Chapel Road CR 1000 E Kendalvile. 5 per person Free for kids under 12 years old. Facial masks required December Sh-Snd Annal Kendalivile Cvistmas Parade - tom beginning at North Side Elementary, ending at he American Legion Post . Lineup at noon. Theme is "A Gingerbread Chrinoman Parad ertry forma available at KPC the Kandalville Area Chamber or online at Deadine is November 20h hrough the stroets of Kendalville, pant the lighted Community Treel The wagon rides a freewit donation: top by the Chamber of Commeroe, 122 South Main Street for the wagon riden. The Horse draan wagons wil top at the Cristman Market an the Community Leaming Center to drop off people wanting to visit the market. The Christmas Market is pm to pm December 12h - Christmas Market - Community Leaming Center, 401 East Diamond Street, Kondalville. 4 pm 8 pm. The Community Leaming Center wil be having an outdoor Christmas Markat featuring crat and food vendors selling local products. Santa wil make an appearance an wel an the igheing of the Community Christman tre. Join un for fun, caroling and lots of Christemas shopping. Shop pers wil mairtain social ditancing and aoe masks a guired. Pbik estrooma will not be available Puhase Git Card on the Chanber Wetitel Goto www Kandavilechanbecom Vour purchase hes local businesses to stay alloat during the COVD 19 orisis The Kendale Chanberhas e perimeeaderteman ti pagratet hmonhy chanberttpage Sparisovalbe you entie yur bsinessonstpoge contae kendae Ae Oamberor Conneeor C PY harks KvilleChamberOctober_121969 4x15 #20 Jenny ImJm 4COLOR oup OS smult be undy 2 e mediotndu NS 11/14/20