HHOT 1/4 Mile South of Rome City, IN on Highway 9 BALL Sylvan Lake BALLI Improvement Association S25.00 PACK INCLUDES Bingo2D PACK S10.00 3RD PACK $5.00 WARM-UPS & 4TH PACK-$5.00 EARLY BIRDS SUNDAY DOORS OPEN 11:00 A.M. WARM-UP 12:30 P.M. REGULAR GAMES 1:30 P.M. TUESDAYITHURSDAY BINGO DOORS OPEN 4:30 P.M. 53065 814 WARM-UPS 6:00 P.M. HOT GREAT TIME BALL!! Main Fund Raiser for Weed Control & Boat Patrol on HOT Sylvan Lake! Hr EXCITING, SIMPLE BINGOBALL! BALL!! STRAIGHT LINE, DIAGONAL, FOUR OUTSIDE CORNERS AND CORNER CLUSTERS (260) 854-9812 JACKPOT-$1,000 if 60 players are in attendance "2 Specials-$500 each if 75 players are in attendance. License # 148307 TEXT BING01 TO 90210 FOR UPDATES AND SPECIALS PLAY FREE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY HHOT 1/4 Mile South of Rome City, IN on Highway 9 BALL Sylvan Lake BALLI Improvement Association S25.00 PACK INCLUDES Bingo2D PACK S10.00 3RD PACK $5.00 WARM-UPS & 4TH PACK-$5.00 EARLY BIRDS SUNDAY DOORS OPEN 11:00 A.M. WARM-UP 12:30 P.M. REGULAR GAMES 1:30 P.M. TUESDAYITHURSDAY BINGO DOORS OPEN 4:30 P.M. 53065 814 WARM-UPS 6:00 P.M. HOT GREAT TIME BALL!! Main Fund Raiser for Weed Control & Boat Patrol on HOT Sylvan Lake! Hr EXCITING, SIMPLE BINGOBALL! BALL!! STRAIGHT LINE, DIAGONAL, FOUR OUTSIDE CORNERS AND CORNER CLUSTERS (260) 854-9812 JACKPOT-$1,000 if 60 players are in attendance "2 Specials-$500 each if 75 players are in attendance. License # 148307 TEXT BING01 TO 90210 FOR UPDATES AND SPECIALS PLAY FREE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY