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  • Published Date

    May 28, 2021
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1/4 Mile South of Rome City, IN on Highway 9 HOT Sylvan Lake Improvement Association HOT BALL! BALL!! Bingo BINGO 5 30 65 8 14 21 45 58 54 5 39 7 147 23 41 27 42 51 63 9 36 24 18 HOT 21 BALL!! 23 GREAT TIME FUN TIP GAMES Main Fund Raiser for Weed Control & Boat Patrol on Sylvan Lake! HOT BALL! BALL! EXCITING, SIMPLE BINGO STRAIGHT LINE, DIAGONAL, FOUR OUTSIDE CORNERS AND CORNER CLUSTERS (260) 854-9812 *JACKPOT - $1,000 if 60 players are in attendance. ** 2 Specials - $500 each if 75 players are in attendance. License # 002663 1/4 Mile South of Rome City, IN on Highway 9 HOT Sylvan Lake Improvement Association HOT BALL! BALL!! Bingo BINGO 5 30 65 8 14 21 45 58 54 5 39 7 147 23 41 27 42 51 63 9 36 24 18 HOT 21 BALL!! 23 GREAT TIME FUN TIP GAMES Main Fund Raiser for Weed Control & Boat Patrol on Sylvan Lake! HOT BALL! BALL! EXCITING, SIMPLE BINGO STRAIGHT LINE, DIAGONAL, FOUR OUTSIDE CORNERS AND CORNER CLUSTERS (260) 854-9812 *JACKPOT - $1,000 if 60 players are in attendance. ** 2 Specials - $500 each if 75 players are in attendance. License # 002663