Financial Focus Prepare yourself financially for illness ... just in case All of us hope to live long, healthy lives, so we do what we can to take care of ourselves through proper high. diet, exercise and avoiding unhealthy activities. How- ever, none of us can predict our future, so it pays to be liquidity. It's hard to predict how many out-of-pock- prepared for anything - including a serious physical illness or the onset of some type of mental incapacity, illness, but it's a good idea to have enough cash readily a health care directive or living will to express your such as Alzheimers disease. yourself from long-term care costs, which can be quite which allows you to name someone to manage your financial affairs if you become incapacitated, and a Your next move is to make sure you have adequate durable power of attorney for health care, which lets you name someone to make medical decisions for you if you're unable to do so yourself. You may also create et costs you could incur when coping with a serious available, rather than dipping into your 401(k) or oth- Of course, you may never face these infirmities, but er retirement accounts. So, if you're retired, you might wishes if you don't have a power of attorney for health you should be aware that they could upset your long- want to keep up to a year's worth of living expenses in care, or the person named in a power of attorney for term financial strategy and place considerable stress on a liquid, low-risk account. your loved ones. What steps can you take to head off these threats? First, make sure you know what your health insur- able to recover. But it's still a good idea to review your your tax and financial advisors, as well. ance covers and how much you might have to pay out estate plan to ensure everything is in order, such as of pocket for treatment of illnesses such as cancer or kidney ailments. If you're on Medicare (supplement- if you've kept up your life insurance, you'll also want ed with Medigap) or Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C), you'll want to know all about deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. However, if Alzheimer's or another type of dementia is involved, Medicare may not cover the costs that could be incurred in an assisted living facility, so you may want to consult with a financial advisor, who can suggest ways of protecting to include a durable power of attorney for finances, health care can't be reached in an emergency. And since estate planning can be complex, you'll certainly plan. Hopefully, if you have a serious illness, you'll be want to work with a legal professional, and possibly Heres another important step: Update your estate You might think it's somewhat grim to prepare yourself financially in case you become seriously ill or if your life is touched by Alzheimer's or another mental infirmity. But it's a positive move you're protecting your will and your living trust, if you've created one. to ensure your premiums are still being paid. And don't forget to review your beneficiary designations on your 401(k), insurance policies and other financial yourself and your loved ones from whatever life may documents, since these designations can supersede the throw at you. instructions in your will. As part of your estate planning, you may want This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edwand Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC Edward Jones Sean P. Asiala AAMS Edward Jones Michael C. Caley AAMS Edward Jones Pam Covington CFP AAMS Edward Jones Tod Heisler AAMS Edward Jones Jason Korner CFP Edward Jones Quinn Nofziger Edward Jones Gwen Ruppert Edward Jones Karen Rupert Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7525 West Jetterson Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 404 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 2030 Pointe tnverness Wey, Suite 125 Fort Wayne, IN 45804 432-3613 Making Sense of Investing Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7127 Homestead Rd. Suite C Fort Wayne. IN 14 263-4760 991 Chestnut Hil Parkway Fort Wayne, IN 4G814 6525 Constitution Dr. Fort Weyne, IN 40804 7329 West Jetferson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 46804 14413 inois Rd SeE Fort Wayne. IN 46814 414 S Scon Rd. Fort Wiyne, IN 4a14 625-5700 Making Sense of Investing 432-0304 Making Sense of Investing 478-8038 Making Sense of Investing 444-3134 Making Sense of Investing 399-5853 Making Sense of Investing 625-3524 Making Sense of Investing Making Sense ef Investing Financial Focus Prepare yourself financially for illness ... just in case All of us hope to live long, healthy lives, so we do what we can to take care of ourselves through proper high. diet, exercise and avoiding unhealthy activities. How- ever, none of us can predict our future, so it pays to be liquidity. It's hard to predict how many out-of-pock- prepared for anything - including a serious physical illness or the onset of some type of mental incapacity, illness, but it's a good idea to have enough cash readily a health care directive or living will to express your such as Alzheimers disease. yourself from long-term care costs, which can be quite which allows you to name someone to manage your financial affairs if you become incapacitated, and a Your next move is to make sure you have adequate durable power of attorney for health care, which lets you name someone to make medical decisions for you if you're unable to do so yourself. You may also create et costs you could incur when coping with a serious available, rather than dipping into your 401(k) or oth- Of course, you may never face these infirmities, but er retirement accounts. So, if you're retired, you might wishes if you don't have a power of attorney for health you should be aware that they could upset your long- want to keep up to a year's worth of living expenses in care, or the person named in a power of attorney for term financial strategy and place considerable stress on a liquid, low-risk account. your loved ones. What steps can you take to head off these threats? First, make sure you know what your health insur- able to recover. But it's still a good idea to review your your tax and financial advisors, as well. ance covers and how much you might have to pay out estate plan to ensure everything is in order, such as of pocket for treatment of illnesses such as cancer or kidney ailments. If you're on Medicare (supplement- if you've kept up your life insurance, you'll also want ed with Medigap) or Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C), you'll want to know all about deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. However, if Alzheimer's or another type of dementia is involved, Medicare may not cover the costs that could be incurred in an assisted living facility, so you may want to consult with a financial advisor, who can suggest ways of protecting to include a durable power of attorney for finances, health care can't be reached in an emergency. And since estate planning can be complex, you'll certainly plan. Hopefully, if you have a serious illness, you'll be want to work with a legal professional, and possibly Heres another important step: Update your estate You might think it's somewhat grim to prepare yourself financially in case you become seriously ill or if your life is touched by Alzheimer's or another mental infirmity. But it's a positive move you're protecting your will and your living trust, if you've created one. to ensure your premiums are still being paid. And don't forget to review your beneficiary designations on your 401(k), insurance policies and other financial yourself and your loved ones from whatever life may documents, since these designations can supersede the throw at you. instructions in your will. As part of your estate planning, you may want This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edwand Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC Edward Jones Sean P. Asiala AAMS Edward Jones Michael C. Caley AAMS Edward Jones Pam Covington CFP AAMS Edward Jones Tod Heisler AAMS Edward Jones Jason Korner CFP Edward Jones Quinn Nofziger Edward Jones Gwen Ruppert Edward Jones Karen Rupert Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7525 West Jetterson Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 404 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 2030 Pointe tnverness Wey, Suite 125 Fort Wayne, IN 45804 432-3613 Making Sense of Investing Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7127 Homestead Rd. Suite C Fort Wayne. IN 14 263-4760 991 Chestnut Hil Parkway Fort Wayne, IN 4G814 6525 Constitution Dr. Fort Weyne, IN 40804 7329 West Jetferson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 46804 14413 inois Rd SeE Fort Wayne. IN 46814 414 S Scon Rd. Fort Wiyne, IN 4a14 625-5700 Making Sense of Investing 432-0304 Making Sense of Investing 478-8038 Making Sense of Investing 444-3134 Making Sense of Investing 399-5853 Making Sense of Investing 625-3524 Making Sense of Investing Making Sense ef Investing