Financial Focus Watch Out for Tax Scammers inquire about issues pertaining to your tax returns. media, and you also include your birthplace - year - but some identity thieves are particularly ac- Instead, the agency will first send you a letter. And you could be making it easier for scam artists to somehow get the third. It's a good idea to check your privacy settings and limit what you're sharing publicly. You might also want to use a nickname Sadly, identity theft happens throughout the tive during tax-filing season. How can you protect if you're unsure of the legitimacy of such a letter, contact the IRS directly at 800-829-1040. Of course, not all scam artists are fake IRS rep- is to be suspicious of requests by people or entities resentatives some will pass themselves off as tax yoursel? One of the most important moves you can make claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service. You may receive phone calls, texts and emails, but these types of communication are often just preparers. Fortunately, most tax preparers are hon- and omit your last name, birthday and birthplace. Here's one more defensive measure: File your est, but its not too hard to find the dishonest ones taxes as soon as you can. Identity thieves often who might ask you to sign a blank return, promise strike early in the tax season, so they can file their "phishing" scams with one goal in mind: to capture you a big refund before looking at your records or try to charge a fee based on the percentage of your return. Legitimate tax preparers will make no bogus returns before their victims. your personal information. These phishers can be quite clever, sending emails that appear to contain the IRS logo or making calls that may even seem to be coming from the IRS. Don't open any links or attachments to the emails and don't answer the calls and don't be alarmed if the caller leaves a vaguely threatening voicemail, either asking for personal information, such as your Social Secu- rity number, or informing you of some debts you To learn more about tax scams, visit the IRS grand promises and will explain their fees upfront. website ( and search for the "Taxpayer Before hiring someone to do your taxes, find out their qualifications. The IRS provides some valu- able tips for choosing a reputable tax preparer, but you can also ask your friends and relatives for Guide to Identity Theft." This document describes some signs of identity theft and provides tips for what to do if you are victimized. li unfortunate that identity theft exists, but by taking the proper precautions, you can help insu- late yourself from this threat, even when tax season is over. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC referrals. Another tax scam to watch out for is the fraud- supposedly owe to the IRS that must be taken care ulent tax return - that is, someone filing a return in your name. To do so, a scammer would need your name, birthdate and Social Security number. you by phone, email, text message or social media if you're already providing two of these pieces of information - your name and birthdate on social of "immediately." n reality, the IRS will not initiate contact with to request personal or financial information, or to Edward Jones Sean P. Asiala AAMS Edward Jones Michael C. Caley AAMS Edward Jones Pam Covington CFP AAMS Edward Jones Tod Heisler AAMS Edward Jones Jason Korner CFP Edward Jones Quinn Nofziger Edward Jones Gwen Ruppert AAMS Edward Jones Karen Rupert AAMS Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7030 Pointe nvemess Way Suite 125 Fort Wayne, N 4604 432-3613 Making Sense of Investing Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 414 S. Scott Rd. Fort Wieyne, IN 46814 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7127 Homestead Rd. Sute C Fort Wayne, IN 40814 263-4760 Making Sense of investing 901 Chestrut Hils Parkway Fort Wayne, IN 4614 6525 Constitution Dr. Fon Wayne, IN 46804 14413 Heos Rd Ste E Fort Wayne, IN 46814 7525 West Jefferson Bvd. 7329 West Jetferson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 40804 Fon Wayne, IN 6804 625-5700 Making Sense of lnvesting 432-0304 Making Sense ef Investing 478-8038 Making Sense of Investing 444-3134 399-5853 Making Sense of Investing 625-3524 Making Sense of Investing Making Sense of Investing Financial Focus Watch Out for Tax Scammers inquire about issues pertaining to your tax returns. media, and you also include your birthplace - year - but some identity thieves are particularly ac- Instead, the agency will first send you a letter. And you could be making it easier for scam artists to somehow get the third. It's a good idea to check your privacy settings and limit what you're sharing publicly. You might also want to use a nickname Sadly, identity theft happens throughout the tive during tax-filing season. How can you protect if you're unsure of the legitimacy of such a letter, contact the IRS directly at 800-829-1040. Of course, not all scam artists are fake IRS rep- is to be suspicious of requests by people or entities resentatives some will pass themselves off as tax yoursel? One of the most important moves you can make claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service. You may receive phone calls, texts and emails, but these types of communication are often just preparers. Fortunately, most tax preparers are hon- and omit your last name, birthday and birthplace. Here's one more defensive measure: File your est, but its not too hard to find the dishonest ones taxes as soon as you can. Identity thieves often who might ask you to sign a blank return, promise strike early in the tax season, so they can file their "phishing" scams with one goal in mind: to capture you a big refund before looking at your records or try to charge a fee based on the percentage of your return. Legitimate tax preparers will make no bogus returns before their victims. your personal information. These phishers can be quite clever, sending emails that appear to contain the IRS logo or making calls that may even seem to be coming from the IRS. Don't open any links or attachments to the emails and don't answer the calls and don't be alarmed if the caller leaves a vaguely threatening voicemail, either asking for personal information, such as your Social Secu- rity number, or informing you of some debts you To learn more about tax scams, visit the IRS grand promises and will explain their fees upfront. website ( and search for the "Taxpayer Before hiring someone to do your taxes, find out their qualifications. The IRS provides some valu- able tips for choosing a reputable tax preparer, but you can also ask your friends and relatives for Guide to Identity Theft." This document describes some signs of identity theft and provides tips for what to do if you are victimized. li unfortunate that identity theft exists, but by taking the proper precautions, you can help insu- late yourself from this threat, even when tax season is over. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC referrals. Another tax scam to watch out for is the fraud- supposedly owe to the IRS that must be taken care ulent tax return - that is, someone filing a return in your name. To do so, a scammer would need your name, birthdate and Social Security number. you by phone, email, text message or social media if you're already providing two of these pieces of information - your name and birthdate on social of "immediately." n reality, the IRS will not initiate contact with to request personal or financial information, or to Edward Jones Sean P. Asiala AAMS Edward Jones Michael C. Caley AAMS Edward Jones Pam Covington CFP AAMS Edward Jones Tod Heisler AAMS Edward Jones Jason Korner CFP Edward Jones Quinn Nofziger Edward Jones Gwen Ruppert AAMS Edward Jones Karen Rupert AAMS Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7030 Pointe nvemess Way Suite 125 Fort Wayne, N 4604 432-3613 Making Sense of Investing Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 414 S. Scott Rd. Fort Wieyne, IN 46814 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 7127 Homestead Rd. Sute C Fort Wayne, IN 40814 263-4760 Making Sense of investing 901 Chestrut Hils Parkway Fort Wayne, IN 4614 6525 Constitution Dr. Fon Wayne, IN 46804 14413 Heos Rd Ste E Fort Wayne, IN 46814 7525 West Jefferson Bvd. 7329 West Jetferson Bivd. Fort Wayne, IN 40804 Fon Wayne, IN 6804 625-5700 Making Sense of lnvesting 432-0304 Making Sense ef Investing 478-8038 Making Sense of Investing 444-3134 399-5853 Making Sense of Investing 625-3524 Making Sense of Investing Making Sense of Investing