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  • Published Date

    June 23, 2018
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. Burning Feet? Do You Suffer from these symptoms? . Pins and needles feeling . Numbness in the hands and feet . Tingling or burning sensations Weakness in the legs, feet, toes Sharp shooting or burning pain .A feeling like a sock is rolled up under your toes .Poor balance (fear of falling) PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY WARNING Northern - The mest common method tha dectors recemmend to treat ptripheral neuropadhy is with prescrigton drvgs tporarily reduce varilety of harnls Pergheral neuropathy is 2 result of damage e nerves often casing weakness, pat numbness. snging andthemost debataong balance ide efects problens. TNs damage is commently caused by lack ef biood fow to the merves in the hnds and feet which cuses the erves to begin to degenere of nutrient fiow When these nerves begin to they cause balance gprotslens,pain, numbness, tinging burning, and many additional symptom The man problemthat doctors tol many patients to .ivewthW"Orsythedrugs which make patent$ feel uncomfortableThere is now atacity nght her. in DeKab Countyth ofers hope. out taking those endessav$wth serious side effects See the special neuropathy severity cxamination at the end of this article) e onder to effectvely treat muropathy three factors ust be determited 1) Whax is the wnderlying cause? How much narve damuge has been sutaned NOTE: Once you hrve sustained 88% nerveless,thart isieynotingthat we can do. How uch treatment is reqe The treatment that is prowided at Health N.O.W hun thgoals 1) increase blood Sow Stmultemall fber nerves o increase blood state-of the-t MLS Laser and other therapies heour amazingl The MLS Laser Therapy is ihe watering grow back around the perphorail servet and pravide them with the proper autrents to bea and repair sedding wer to a plant and Spplng th, roots grow deeper nd deeper. The amount of treatmpnt needed to alow the neves to fuly recover varies from person to person and can only be detemmined ater a det neurological and vancular valuation As long as As Board Ceifed Chirpractic Neurologists Or. Lucas Gafken and Dr. David Galkeni do a e determine ne ofl the nerve damage for only $50.0. This nauropathy severity exmisdon wi cowsist of a detalled sensory detaled analyss of the urogaty fndinge Or.Lucas Gafken and Dr David Gafken will be otring this neuropathy severty esamination for the eext 0 days Call 260-920-4411 to make an appointment Dr.Gafen to determine how uch nerve damuge Shere is with th Toronto Scoring System Health NOW Neuro Ortho Wellness 2146 State Road 8, Auburn IN, 46706-www.seekhealthnow.com-260-920-8811 As a service to you, our staff will check to peo if insurance well cover any or all of the sarvicen Outef hundreds of chiopractorinhdana, DrLucas Gahan and Dr. David Gahen .few of the en yBoard Certifed Chiepracte Neurologists wich make th uniquly uslified to address periphernuropat