I WANT TO HELP YOU REGAIN THE FEELING IN YOUR HANDS AND FEET! Do you suffer from peripheral neuropathy? Two Auburn Doctors are the First in the Northeast Indiana Area to Use A New Clinically Proven Therapy for PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY! you su 1er from a single one of these b rtinus symptoms mambness lingling, burning or sharp nerve pain-you MUST DISCONER ou Nearopathy Recovery Progum Seuropithy aflects every part of yout de-walling, sining therap% physical therapy, 1yncnD. Neuntin® or other modications) and you are not getting the lasting sesulis you want, then dlas may be the mos imptant inormumion you al becaase, at best, they only cover up your sympoms and do noe heal your daimaged serves We all know Chut there in a trememdous dderene between covering oo your sympioms or actuaily foong the underlying problem. So, why settle foe hund-aid care when our Neuropatly Recovery Pregram is available? Could this Work for you? A Non-Sargical. Non-Invasivet Promotes Rapid lcaling Do you bave any of the following syeptoms or lak of Pias and needles feeling NOW AVAILABLE Wrakness in the Legs and Tos J Sharp shooting or barning pains u A feeling like a sock is rolled up If so you may have a condition called peripberal ncurepathy ll you ane bke mosx people who sutler teom penpheral Cold Laser in combination with Horizontal Therapy is NOW AVAILABLE for the treatment of PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY! ried atereative healsh care an all of the latest and gepest niacle cures Unlorturaney there is no pimmick no quick fix and no pill thue will evere oer ollice ische REAL THING! I am coedden that our europathy Recovery Pg is somithing you haven t tned be the answer you are looking for. IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT GETTING THIS YEAR AND IMPROVING YOUR HEALTH ONCE AND FOR ALL. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!! It's tiroe foe you so find out if the Pernipheral Neuropahy Recovery Program l be your neuropathy solusion Foe the Firse 25 Callers Obly, yos wil get all the servikes we normally changr new patients $230 for only 539 What Take a look at what you will receive ln regards s Peripheral Neuopathy, my go this year is to help as mamy people as possible ga wellbeing where Iwil en.vally lhsten. one of themt If you have been Seuropathy and the sedaced qualay of lale tha goe with is, dont wait another ninute. Let me belp you. This ppoinement could lactally CHANGE YOUR LIFE J A thorough analysis of your exam indings so we cam stant mapping out your plan to being pain fnee Youl get to see everything first hand and nd ou if thi aazing ticatment you are draling wick Periphesal Neuropatky I sdacerlywill be your pain sobution, bloe it has hocn for so many ochet patienss The fler appointment will ot take loeg at all And you won't be siieg in a waking harving tried everything and still deelking wiek nepathy Are you sick ef hope asnd false room all day cithe getting help once end Jor ell, then celf right now. This 9 Dr David M Gaflen, D.C DA.CNB ppoinment coald be the boginning of a mow life for you.De Las D. Geken, DC, DACNB ellness have been meatang, malng amending classes and consuhngwi h experts the scientific community. all o> crane my Peripheral Neouy Recovery Pgram The good news is thas the principles behind my Neuropathy ecovery Program work with both diubetk and mon-diabei types of ineuropathy I cant wait to see i 1 can help yout AE our efhce wr have speculurd treatmmt s who selfer fross neunpay. Why sutler with years of misery? no way to live, ts when there could be an eas, soliton 50 yer Dont live in pain whem we may hane the solation you've becn ing WE ACCEPT CALLS ON SUNDAYS! TODAY TO SCHEDULE NEUROPATHY EVALUATION ($250 VALUE AVAILABLE TO THE FIRST 25 CALLERS! 260-920-8811 www.seekhealthnow.com