Burning Feet? Do You Suffer from these symptoms? Pins and needles feeling Numbness in the hands and feet Tingling or burning sensations Weakness in the legs, feet, toes Sharp shooting or burning pain A feeling like a sock is rolled up under your toes Poor balance (fear of falling) PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY WARNING! symptoms. These drugs an primarily antidepressant or ant-seizure drugs. These drugs may cause the patient to feel uncomfortable and have a variety of harmful side ettects. Northem IN- The most common method that doctors recommend to treat peripheral neuropathy ia with prescription drugs that may temporarily reduce Peripheral neuropathy isa result of damage to the nerves often causing weaknesa, pain, numbness, dingling and the most debilitating balance problems. This damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet which causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to lack of nuient fow As the blood vessels that sunound the nerves become diseased they shrivel up which causes the nerves to not get the nutrients to continue to survive. When these nerves begin to "die" they caune balance problems, pain, numbness, tingling, buming and many additional symptoms. The main problem is that doctors tell many patients to "ive with er Or try the drugs which make patients feel uncomfortable. There is now a tacility right here in Dekalb County that offers hope, without taking those endiess drugs with serious side effects. (See the special neuropaty severity examination at the end of this article) In order to effectively breat neuropathy thre factors must be determined. 1) What is the underlying cause? 2) How much nerve damage has been sustained? NOTE: Once you have sustained % nerve loss, there is kaly nothing that we can de. How much treatment is required? The treatment that is provided at Health N.O.W. has three main goals. 1) ncrease blood fow 2 Stimulate small fber nerves Decrease brain-based pain The treatment to increase blood flow iis our state-of-the-art MLS Laser and other therapies like our cuting-edge Horizontal Nerve Stimulation Therapy. The MS Laser is the most powerful cold laser on the market today and its resuits are nothing short of amazing! The MLS Laser Therapy is ike watering plant. The laser therapy will allow blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair. It's ike adding water to a plant and seeing the roots prow deeper and deeper. The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies trom person to person and can only be detennined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation. As long as the nerves have not sustained at least 15% damage there is hopel As Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologists Dr. Lucas Gafken and Dr. David Gafken wil doa neuropathy severity examination to determine the extent of the nerve damage for only S59.00. This neuropathy severity examination wil consist of a detaled sensory evaluation, extensive peripheral vascular testing, and a detailed analysis of the neuropathy findings Dr. Lucas Gafhen and Dr. Devid Gafhen wil be oflering this neuropathy severity examination for the nent 10 days. Call 200-20-811 to make an ppointment with Dr. Gaan to determine how much nerve damage here is with the Toronto Scoring System. Health N.O.W. We Accept Calls on Sundays! Neuro Ortho Wellness 2146 State Road 8, Auburn IN, 46706 - www.seekhealthnow.com - 260-920-8811 As a service to you, our staff will check to see finsurance wil cover any or all of the services. Out of hundreds of chiropractors in Indiana, Dr. Lucas Gafen and Dr. David Gatken are a few of the only Board Certifed Chiropractic Neurologists which make them uniquely qualifed to address peripheral neuropathyt Burning Feet? Do You Suffer from these symptoms? Pins and needles feeling Numbness in the hands and feet Tingling or burning sensations Weakness in the legs, feet, toes Sharp shooting or burning pain A feeling like a sock is rolled up under your toes Poor balance (fear of falling) PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY WARNING! symptoms. These drugs an primarily antidepressant or ant-seizure drugs. These drugs may cause the patient to feel uncomfortable and have a variety of harmful side ettects. Northem IN- The most common method that doctors recommend to treat peripheral neuropathy ia with prescription drugs that may temporarily reduce Peripheral neuropathy isa result of damage to the nerves often causing weaknesa, pain, numbness, dingling and the most debilitating balance problems. This damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet which causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to lack of nuient fow As the blood vessels that sunound the nerves become diseased they shrivel up which causes the nerves to not get the nutrients to continue to survive. When these nerves begin to "die" they caune balance problems, pain, numbness, tingling, buming and many additional symptoms. The main problem is that doctors tell many patients to "ive with er Or try the drugs which make patients feel uncomfortable. There is now a tacility right here in Dekalb County that offers hope, without taking those endiess drugs with serious side effects. (See the special neuropaty severity examination at the end of this article) In order to effectively breat neuropathy thre factors must be determined. 1) What is the underlying cause? 2) How much nerve damage has been sustained? NOTE: Once you have sustained % nerve loss, there is kaly nothing that we can de. How much treatment is required? The treatment that is provided at Health N.O.W. has three main goals. 1) ncrease blood fow 2 Stimulate small fber nerves Decrease brain-based pain The treatment to increase blood flow iis our state-of-the-art MLS Laser and other therapies like our cuting-edge Horizontal Nerve Stimulation Therapy. The MS Laser is the most powerful cold laser on the market today and its resuits are nothing short of amazing! The MLS Laser Therapy is ike watering plant. The laser therapy will allow blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair. It's ike adding water to a plant and seeing the roots prow deeper and deeper. The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies trom person to person and can only be detennined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation. As long as the nerves have not sustained at least 15% damage there is hopel As Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologists Dr. Lucas Gafken and Dr. David Gafken wil doa neuropathy severity examination to determine the extent of the nerve damage for only S59.00. This neuropathy severity examination wil consist of a detaled sensory evaluation, extensive peripheral vascular testing, and a detailed analysis of the neuropathy findings Dr. Lucas Gafhen and Dr. Devid Gafhen wil be oflering this neuropathy severity examination for the nent 10 days. Call 200-20-811 to make an ppointment with Dr. Gaan to determine how much nerve damage here is with the Toronto Scoring System. Health N.O.W. We Accept Calls on Sundays! Neuro Ortho Wellness 2146 State Road 8, Auburn IN, 46706 - www.seekhealthnow.com - 260-920-8811 As a service to you, our staff will check to see finsurance wil cover any or all of the services. Out of hundreds of chiropractors in Indiana, Dr. Lucas Gafen and Dr. David Gatken are a few of the only Board Certifed Chiropractic Neurologists which make them uniquely qualifed to address peripheral neuropathyt