Could This Get Rid Of Knee Pain Once And For All.. Without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery? Now, in Auburn, IN, two doctors are helping local residents with Knee Pain live more active, pain-free lives. Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions? - Arthritis Knee pain Cartilage damage Bone-on-bone - Tendonitis Bursitis Crunching & popping sounds Uing with knee pain can feel lke a ciepling experience. Let's faceit your knees arent an young as you uned to be, and playing wth the ih or grandkidh iant any easier either. Maybe your knee pain keeps you from walking short detances or playing golf ike you used to Here's what to do now: Due to the expected demand for this special offer, we urge you to call ur office at once. The phone number is 20920 s811. Nothing wone than feling great mentaly, but physicaly feeling held back from Me becae your kne hurti and the pain junt wont go Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment Be The Answer To Your Knee Pain? away Cal today and we can get started with your con sutution and examas soon as theres an opening inthe schedule. Our office is Health NOW. and you can find us at 2146 State Road 8 in Aubum N Telthe eceptionist yould lke to come in for the Knee tvaluation For the Finst 25 Callers On wie nunninga very special oller where you can find out l you area canddate for Cold ier theragy What does this offer incuder -Femur Everything we nomally do in my Knee Pain Evalution Ant caland hes what you Puela HEALTHNOW Neuro. Oho eline Articula Medial Femon Condyle Catage Yours in Health, Dr. David M. Galken, DC, DACNB. D Luas D. Gafhen. DC.DACNB Anin depth consutation about your prob- lem where we wil enally ten. to the detalh of your case - A complete neuromuclar eamination We are Or. David M. Gafken and Dr Lucas D Gaken, of Health NOW.Since we opened nearly thirty seven years ago we've seen hundreds of people with knee problems leave the office pain fre. Athorough analyis of your en fedings so wecan start mapping ovt your plan to being pain tee. Yout see everyting finthand and find out - this amaing tretment will be your pain sol ton, lke ithai been for so many other patienti A Non-Surgical, Non-Invasive Knee Pain Treatment - Now Availablel Tyou've sufering from these conditions, anew breakthrough in medical technology may com pletely eliminate your pain and helpesitore nomal function to your knees RS. Now you might be wondering.. "Is this safe? Are there any side effects or dangers to this?" The fint 25 Callers Only can get everything we've isted here for only S59. The normal price for this type of evalution is 5250 1o you'e saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer Finally, An Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery The FDA deml the fet Co Lain 002. This w fur heir aly knd 7imp pakn wih pan. Their only waning -doni shine it in your ye Of cou ur odice, the laer ve anyahe Remember what it was like before you had knee problems, when you were pain free and The ColdLeser is an outpatient, nonurgical procedure, often used in physical therapy and sports medicine to accelerate the healing proces It offers noninvasive treatment to pro mote healing for those who suffer from pain in musdes, nerves, and joints, le that asociated with chronic knee pain could enjoy everything ide had to offer? it can be that way again. Don't neglect your problem any longer - dont wat unti s too late scar pour eye Dni wait and n p kn pdm g wine de g e Take p on ver ele nd cal odey Our Patients Say It Best. This is the same laser we use to treat some of the Indianapols Colts. Aso itis used by oth er professional sports teams including the New York Yankees.Cncinna Bengals, Dallas Conboys and LACipper. It Promotes Rapid Healing Of The Injured Tissues This pain-free, non surgical approach worka by stimulating the body'stural healing pro censes, providing pain reliel and reducing injury damuge. This leading edge technoiogy has an impresive succes rate od retuning ptent to work, sports and compettive attes as welas everyday e $59 CALL TODAY TO KNEE PAIN SCHEDULE YOUR EVALUATION ($250 VALUE) AVAILABLE TO THE FIRST 25 CALLERS! 260-920-8811 Calsn Sendey Paents treuted with the Cold Laser ofen show ahigher level of function both during and afher the teatment period. The therapeutic laser pro videsa temendous atemative for those facing rgery Could This Get Rid Of Knee Pain Once And For All.. Without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery? Now, in Auburn, IN, two doctors are helping local residents with Knee Pain live more active, pain-free lives. Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions? - Arthritis Knee pain Cartilage damage Bone-on-bone - Tendonitis Bursitis Crunching & popping sounds Uing with knee pain can feel lke a ciepling experience. Let's faceit your knees arent an young as you uned to be, and playing wth the ih or grandkidh iant any easier either. Maybe your knee pain keeps you from walking short detances or playing golf ike you used to Here's what to do now: Due to the expected demand for this special offer, we urge you to call ur office at once. The phone number is 20920 s811. Nothing wone than feling great mentaly, but physicaly feeling held back from Me becae your kne hurti and the pain junt wont go Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment Be The Answer To Your Knee Pain? away Cal today and we can get started with your con sutution and examas soon as theres an opening inthe schedule. Our office is Health NOW. and you can find us at 2146 State Road 8 in Aubum N Telthe eceptionist yould lke to come in for the Knee tvaluation For the Finst 25 Callers On wie nunninga very special oller where you can find out l you area canddate for Cold ier theragy What does this offer incuder -Femur Everything we nomally do in my Knee Pain Evalution Ant caland hes what you Puela HEALTHNOW Neuro. Oho eline Articula Medial Femon Condyle Catage Yours in Health, Dr. David M. Galken, DC, DACNB. D Luas D. Gafhen. DC.DACNB Anin depth consutation about your prob- lem where we wil enally ten. to the detalh of your case - A complete neuromuclar eamination We are Or. David M. Gafken and Dr Lucas D Gaken, of Health NOW.Since we opened nearly thirty seven years ago we've seen hundreds of people with knee problems leave the office pain fre. Athorough analyis of your en fedings so wecan start mapping ovt your plan to being pain tee. Yout see everyting finthand and find out - this amaing tretment will be your pain sol ton, lke ithai been for so many other patienti A Non-Surgical, Non-Invasive Knee Pain Treatment - Now Availablel Tyou've sufering from these conditions, anew breakthrough in medical technology may com pletely eliminate your pain and helpesitore nomal function to your knees RS. Now you might be wondering.. "Is this safe? Are there any side effects or dangers to this?" The fint 25 Callers Only can get everything we've isted here for only S59. The normal price for this type of evalution is 5250 1o you'e saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer Finally, An Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery The FDA deml the fet Co Lain 002. This w fur heir aly knd 7imp pakn wih pan. Their only waning -doni shine it in your ye Of cou ur odice, the laer ve anyahe Remember what it was like before you had knee problems, when you were pain free and The ColdLeser is an outpatient, nonurgical procedure, often used in physical therapy and sports medicine to accelerate the healing proces It offers noninvasive treatment to pro mote healing for those who suffer from pain in musdes, nerves, and joints, le that asociated with chronic knee pain could enjoy everything ide had to offer? it can be that way again. Don't neglect your problem any longer - dont wat unti s too late scar pour eye Dni wait and n p kn pdm g wine de g e Take p on ver ele nd cal odey Our Patients Say It Best. This is the same laser we use to treat some of the Indianapols Colts. Aso itis used by oth er professional sports teams including the New York Yankees.Cncinna Bengals, Dallas Conboys and LACipper. It Promotes Rapid Healing Of The Injured Tissues This pain-free, non surgical approach worka by stimulating the body'stural healing pro censes, providing pain reliel and reducing injury damuge. This leading edge technoiogy has an impresive succes rate od retuning ptent to work, sports and compettive attes as welas everyday e $59 CALL TODAY TO KNEE PAIN SCHEDULE YOUR EVALUATION ($250 VALUE) AVAILABLE TO THE FIRST 25 CALLERS! 260-920-8811 Calsn Sendey Paents treuted with the Cold Laser ofen show ahigher level of function both during and afher the teatment period. The therapeutic laser pro videsa temendous atemative for those facing rgery