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    April 13, 2019
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Burning Feet? Do You Suffer from these symptoms? . Pins and needles feeling . Numbness in the hands and feet . Tingling or burning sensations .Weakness in the legs, feet, toes Sharp shooting or burning pain .A feeling like a sock is rolled up under your toes . Poor balance (fear of falling) PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY WARNING! NorthernIN-The most connos methodne doctors recommend totreat peripheral eeuropathy is prescripton augsthat may wperarey ymptom. These augs are pritarity eprestant or seinn dr g. These ugs may cause the pdent to feel uncomfortable and have a varilety of harns we ide efects Perpheral newspathy is aresuite, dnageto nerves often cawsing weakness, pain, numbness, Snging and the most debatang balance problerns. TNis damage is commenty caused by lack of blood flow to the merves in the hnds and fleet which cuves the erves te begin to degener of natrient fiow When these nrves baginto they cauve balance problees, pain, umbness, tingling, burning and many addiional symptoms The main problem s that doctors tell many patients to "live wth r Or ty the drags which make patients foel uncomfortable. Thare is now a facility right hre in De ab County ha ers hope, without takieg those endless drugs with serious side effects Bee the special neuropatty severity examination at the and of this article) e onder to effectvely treat muropathy ree factors ust be determied 1)What is the undery ing cause? How nuch narve damage has been NOTE: Once you hrve sustained 88% nervuleas.there is iey nothingthat we can do. )How uch treatment is requre The treatment that is provided at Health N.O.W han hei goals 1) increase blood Sow Stmulate mall fber nerves o increase blood state-of the-ut MLS Laser and other therapies he our S Lase is he amacingl The MLS Laser Therapy is lke watering grow back around the periphoral seves and provide them with the proper autrents to beal and repair sdding water to a plant and ing the roots grow deeper and deeper The amount of treatmnt needed to alow the evs to fully recover varies from person to neurological and vancular evaluation As long as As Board Cesified Chirppractic Naurologists, e determine e ofl the nerve damage for cnly $500.This naurothy severity examinaion wi comist of a detalled sensony evaluaten, extensive prripheral vaseular beating and a detaled analyss of the aurogathy finding Dr Lucas Gaken and Dr. David Gafkon wel be ofiering this neuropathy severty eanination for the eext 10 days Call 240-9201411 to make an appointment with Dr. Gafn determine how nuch nerve damage here is with Toronto Scoring System Health Now Neuro Ortho Wellness 2146 State Road 8, Auburn IN, 260-920-8811 As a service to you, our staff will check to tee if insurance will cover any or all of the servicen Out of hundreds of chiropractors in tndana, Dr Lucas Gaion and Dr. David Gakion are a few of the only Board Certified Chirppractic Neurologts which make thuiquly qualified to address perigher nuropathy